SCALE #39 Writers, Photographers, Filmmakers, Interview Partners
Cover: David Tejedor Royo Henrik Haack +++ William Haywood +++ Aurel Hernyak +++ Daniel Klemm +++ Ivan Oroz Jasper Pääkkönen +++ Robert Pljuscec +++ Olivier Portrat +++ Antti Rastivo +++ Clemens Ratschan Luka Simunjak +++ Teuthis +++ Michal Vavro +++ Aleksandar Vrtaric
MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE www.fishingguidesholland.nl
c ex, Robert Pljusce With videos by Ahrch-Me-Crew and the Cat
Editorial 10 Mugshots #39 12 A Swedish gold robbery • Henrik Haack shines in all things perch 20 Webwatcher 50 Fish, Photo & Fame • SCALE’s Instagram Check 54 Gradually • Luka Simunjak declares his love to fishing in Croatia 56 SCALE Interview I • Six questions to the head of EFTTA Olivier Portrat 96 Rock fishing from a lush island • Daniel Klemm is in need of Madeira 112 A day in the life • Aleksandar Vrtaric on mindfulness in fly tying 136 Competition I • Trxstle transport system 152 SCALE Interview II • Actor & fly fisherman Jasper Pääkkönen wears his heart on his sleeves 154 Tie Hard! powered by AHREX 166 Competition II • Hydro Flask 168 Mellow Shallows • Aurel Hernyak on Lake Balaton’s fish variety 170 Brian Bojsens Wild Scandinavian Way • William Haywood opens his Skagen travel journal 192 Payday 224 Hot & Not 228 SCALE Featured Artist • The art of Ivan Oroz 232 244 Hardbodies & Softcores 260 Sexy Tools & Musthaves Picture gallery • Clemens Ratschan pack rafting through fjords 304 Imprint 348


... a new issue of SCALE Magazine is published on December 1st. Even this year we have managed to put together a great issue for you. „Managed“ has to be taken literally this time. The shitty COVID-19 virus really didn‘t make it easy for us – or rather: for our authors. Hardly anyone managed to go on a trip this year. Most long planned fishing trips got cancelled without replacement or postponed to 2021. We were affected by it too. Trips to Florida, Sweden or the Netherlands had to be cancelled. Some fearless anglers have managed somehow – always within the law, of course, and with care for their own health and that of others – to visit exciting waters home and abroad to catch fish of their lives. We all benefit from it, and that is not the only reason why we would like to use the end of the year issue to say thank you. As a free magazine, we more than others depend on the cooperation of anglers from all over the world. If someone writes an article for SCALE and additionally embellishes it with excellent photography or videos, we are deeply grateful – not only during this particular time. So many thanks to all of you who regularly manage to inspire us and our readers from all over the world.
After all these years as a SCALE editor by the way, you sometimes find an issue particularly well edited and others a little less accomplished. This is often a very subjective judgement and in this respect, opinions within our team often differ widely. But with SCALE #39 we all came to the same conclusion: This issue is awesome! We had a lot of fun editing the pieces, writing texts and reading the finished articles. When we finally leafed through the whole issue again before publication, we all agreed that our authors and us had done a really good job. We wish you come to the same conclusion and hope you enjoy reading this issue. Above all we wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy start into 2021. The year in which we all will hopefully be able to go fishing together again all over the world, and fall around our necks hugging uninhibitedly without masks on, when a fish finds its way into the net. (Stefan Alt) Enjoy reading issue #39 and look after your health, Your SCALE editorial
Illustration: Stefan Alt


HENRIK HAACK If the grandfather comes from Sweden and takes the grandchild along to fish for roach and perch at an early age, what is to become of this child? Certainly not a homing pigeon breeder!
Henrik Haack, born in 1993, so felt 5 generations younger than the whole SCALE editorial team, is a thoroughbred angler. Half of Henrik is a Swedish citizen and the rest also has a German passport. So it is obvious that Henrik feels a great connection to the Scandinavian nature. The perch is his primary target when he is chasing fish with his rod and he has already travelled to many European countries to put the perch in the landing net. He himself favours the techniques borrowed from US bass fishing and tries to apply them adaptively when fishing for perca fluviatilis. He has also completed his apprenticeship in Japan, where he actually completed his Black Bass diploma...
For Henrik, fishing also includes the camera. Starting out in an analogue style, over the years he has become more and more familiar with the use of lens and exposure in order to be able to present attractive and high-quality fishing photography today. And on the subject of „hobby made into a profession“ Henrik also has a contribution for us: Since the beginning of 2020 he has been working full-time for the Lurenatic shop, where he is responsible for JDM and US Tackle. In our December issue Henrik takes us to the golden perch that have been waiting for the Haack‘s crawfish in the Swedish brackish water zone! Have fun with the beautiful shots of an aspiring young photographer and angler and once again welcome Henrik to SCALE Magazine. (Frank Steinmann)
Henrik on Facebook


LUKA SIMUNJAK Before Luka began to take fishing and photography so seriously that they filled his life completely, he attended art school in his native Croatia to learn about the subject of light and exposure.
The reserved photographer has been fishing all his life and spent his childhood surrounded by nature and folklore, which sharpened his senses for the beauty of his homeland. Today Luka´s Nikon is his constant companion and with its help he captures what he describes as his purpose in life, his roots. After several years of working in the fishing industry, Luka has now turned his head and founded a fly-fishing agency called „Balkan Fly Tour“. The Hardy/Greys Prostaffer can thus convey all the beauty of his homeland to his clients and experience unforgettable hours together with them in the numerous rivers with wild fish. A further advantage is that as a professional photographer, he can also give these clients lasting memories in picture form.
Luka‘s photographic style has a very special language, „moody“ would be the title of it. His photographs are discreetly saturated and perhaps a bit gloomy, but without appearing oppressive or evoking melancholy feelings in the viewer. Rather, his pictures convey a quiet clarity and capture the instantaneous without making it bloated or pompous.
Today Luka lives in Zagreb, the bustling metropolis of Croatia, and when he is not photographing here, he is out and about in the wild and romantic landscape to which he takes us in his article. For him there is nothing more beautiful than being out with his dogs, waking up in a tent and soaking up the peace of a nightly campfire. The crowning glory is of course fishing for wild trout and grayling. We say thanks to Luka for the thoughts and moments you share with us and Dobrodošli in SCALE Magazine. (Frank Steinmann)


DANIEL KLEMM Born in Bavaria, he has been travelling the world for ten years now, always in search of strong fighting fish – and if good fish are realistic, he prefers to fish them from the shore. He has already been on the Socotra archipelago in Yemen, Oman, Eritrea, Australia, Mexico, Colombia and South Africa, among others, hunting his favourite target fish GT, Cubera Snapper and Rooster.
Since he was five years old (he got on his parents‘ nerves with fishing during their holiday in Turkey) he has been putting the fish on the scales – in his Bavarian homeland first of all barbels and common nase and now he is especially fond of sea predators. In Europe, he prefers to fish for sea bass and bluefin tuna on the French coast, where his grandmother has a house and where he had his first attempts in salt water. Meanwhile he also brings his great experience in sea fishing to the Shop GT-Fishing which he founded and sells exclusive tackle and bait for popping and jigging.
But it doesn‘t always have to be exotics in faraway places that he is enthusiastic about. He also loves to flyfish in his home waters, the Danube and its tributaries, for trout and grayling or chasing asp and perch with topwater baits. In this issue, however, we are allowed to accompany Daniel to Madeira for rock fishing, where he is successfully trying to get Bluefish and Grouper in the net – the trip to Australia, which was actually planned, had to be cancelled due to Corona, and so the Portuguese flower island in the middle of the Atlantic moved into his focus. Welcome on board, Daniel! (Hauke Barz)


”They‘re like pure gold!“ This sentence, which was said during a phone call with my friend Tom, had finally convinced me! It was about the gold colored perch that live in the brackish water areas along the Swedish coast of Småland.
These „special“ perch usually spend the summer in the colder waters of the Baltic Sea and move to the archipelago for wintering. There the salt content is lower than in the open water of the Baltic Sea, which is important for the fish‘s reduced metabolism and spawning. In addition, the fish eat a lot to build up a good cushion for the winter. The main food here are sticklebacks and small crabs, which are called „Märlkräfta“ by the Swedes. These crabs are said to be responsible for the special golden color and the partly red scales on the belly. The perch then spend the entire winter in the archipelago until they go about their spawning business in March-May. Afterwards they move back to the Baltic Sea. In autumn this cycle starts again.
Islands – Stones – Weeds What awaits you is an almost infinite expanse of water, littered with small islands and stones. An absolutely beautiful nature, which has shown itself from its best side. Because of the many islands and bays, you will always find a suitable place for every wind situation. This is of course advantageous, because it is often windy on the coast, but you can still find a sheltered spot to go fishing at. However, this area can sometimes be hard to fish. Because of the partly extremely shallow water and the thousands of stones in the water you have to be very careful when boating.
A map plotter is a must-have on the boat to guide you through the very narrow passages. Water depths of 60 - 70 cm are no exception.


Unfortunately, another boat had to experience this painfully and landed on a stone. Thank god without major damage.
Arriving at the hot spots one finds huge fields of weeds and channels, which are interrupted by sandy patches on the bottom. Exactly these spots have to be found. Because on these sand patches the perch gather in small groups waiting for their prey. Another important aspect for finding the perch is the often changing current. Because the small sticklebacks and crayfish are pulled along by the current, which the perch then tend to follow. If the current pushes the baitfish out of a bay, the perch are more likely to stand outside of this bay. If the current pushes them into a bay, the perch will stand rather deep inside this area. As with almost every brackish water fishing, the salinity plays a big role for the fish. If a large amount of salt water flows into the archipelago over several days, this also affects the fishing. The perch then often stop eating and stand lethargically on the bottom. To catch a fish in this process is very difficult and requires a lot of endurance. In this case you have to go far into the shallow bays to find the fresh water.
There the chance is much higher than in the open/ salty water. But now it‘s time to get out and fish!
First Light = Thick Perch Right at the beginning I was prepared for the fact that you have to be at the spot before sunrise. So every morning at 5:00 a.m. I had to be at the boat ramp and launch the boat. At 5:30 a.m. the first cast could be made at the spot. This included some beautiful sunrises, which underlined the beauty of this area again.
This was to prove itself, because as soon as the first sunbeams could be seen on the horizon, the perch started to feed.


So you could catch a lot of fish in the range of 40 47cm. It was quiet on the boat, because everybody wanted to use this time as concentrated as possible. Only „Yeah! Den är stor!“ (Swedish: „This is big!“) broke this silence. After a short hectic rush we continued fishing concentrated again. Until the next big fish was caught.
And there they were, the golden archipelago perch: flawless and beautiful fish. The physique of the fish was remarkable. Some of them were very tall. Even small perch looked rather higher than long. Completely different from the fish I know from fresh water. What also surprised me was the pure power of the fish. So a 30 cm perch fought partly like a really big fish.
Coffee & Morning Bite But this biting phase was over after some time when the light became stronger. Then it was time to have a coffee and philosophize about the „Morning Bite“ with the boys. Throughout the day there were always fish, but never comparable to the ones during the morning hours. In the evening the concentration was used again to spend the last hours of the day fishing, which produced fish that were better in shape.
Tackle and Tactics Of course you will not be spared the legendary pike of the archipelago. They regularly „stray“ to the lures. Especially chatterbaits and wobblers are very popular with the pike. Here you definitely have to fish with wire leaders. For perch, crayfish (Noike Smokin‘ Dad) are the absolute burners. They brought the most and biggest fish into the boat.


We think that this is due to the main food (Märlkräfta).
The techniques used are the free-rig, Texas-rig, neko-rig or weedless jigs. It was especially important that the bait does not get stuck in the weeds, as it is pulled through the large weed fields with every cast. As soon as the lure hits one of these sand spots you are in the strike zone. Here the lure is animated slower to stay in this area as long as possible.
When fish are on the spot they attack the lure unrestrained.
Not to notice a bite is almost impossible. As setup we mainly use rods in the 3/4 – 1 oz. range. Lines in the range 10 – 16 lb (Sunline Siglon PE8). This provides you with enough power to keep the fish away from the weed, which is sometimes very necessary.
Every morning at the boat ramp we thought about how the cards were reshuffled today. You had to locate the fish on each day. A spot that delivered yesterday can be a zero number today. This morning‘s thought made this fishing so exciting. And it‘s exactly this combination of beautiful/ strong fish, beautiful nature and the way of fishing that brings me to this decision: I will come back! I am addicted to the gold rush ... Tack!


Keep fish wet The founders of Keep fish wet, a US-American non-profit organization, have made it their business to provide the best possible protection for caught fish. They want to practice the handling of the fish during the catch and especially afterwards – keyword „catch photo“ – as gentle as possible and communicate this to the addressees, all you anglers out there.
Scientific studies show that even small differences in the way an angler catches a fish, treats it afterwards and releases it again can have positive effects on the physical constitution of the animals. The application of best practices not only increases the survival rates of the fish, but also helps them return to their normal behavior as quickly as possible after release. Given that billions of fish are caught and released each year, even a small increase in the percentage of fish that survive worldwide will result in millions more fish swimming in our lakes, rivers and oceans to be recaptured, thus promoting a positive balance for recreational fisheries and future generations.
Keep fish wet aggregates and translates the scientific evidence on catch and release into a usable format, acting as a hub for disseminating guidelines to a wide range of stakeholders, from anglers to industry and even other non-governmental organizations. The scientifically based „best practices“ are presented in easy-to-understand principles that every angler can learn and apply.
Keep fish wet maintains three main principles: 1) Minimizing exposure to air: Most fish get their oxygen from the water, not the air, and they need this oxygen to recover from the effects of being caught. Air exposure should be 10 seconds or less.
2) Avoid contact of fish with dry surfaces – Dry, rough and hard surfaces such as rocks, sand and the bottom of boats can cause physical damage to fins and scales and loss of protective mucosa. If you handle your fish, do so directly above the water surface or at best in the water itself.
3) Minimize the handling time – holding a fish too long can cause additional physiological stress. If the fish is able to swim away, let it go.
Adopting scientifically based „best practices“ for catch and release is a fast and effective way to put conservation and species protection into practice by improving the outcome and survival of each fish released.
For more information about the principles and related tips, about the organization, and about how you as an angler can become a Keep Fish Wet Advocate yourself, please visit:
Photo: Frank Steinmann
We have been attempting in Germany for years to find ways to make the practicability of „catch and release“ appear legally legitimate in certain cases. The slot size capture/retention limit(s) should be mentioned here as a keyword. Everywhere else in the world the situation is different.
Catch and release is a legitimate practice. But what about releasing fish?
Can anything be done wrong there? Can I avoid mistakes?


Photo: Daniel Göz Keep Fish Wet Ambassador
Take the Pledge Become an Advocate
www.keepfishwet.org/advocate Science-based nonprofit helping anglers improve the outcome for each fish they release


THE SCALE INSTAGRAM-CHECK In our Scale Instagram column we introduce you to people and content that is worth following.
Tired of fish, babes and fishing egomaniacs for today? Would you like something creative, even art, for a change? Great, then Teuthis is exactly the right place for you to relax and watch something extraordinary! After a course in marine biology, which led the French artist, who is behind the pseudonym Teuthis, to decide to specialise in studying the marine fauna of the Polynesian islands, Teuthis has been combining naturalistic drawing and graphic design since 2013. Ecological reflection and artistic approach. In ancient Greek, Teuthis means „squid“. His works are strongly reminiscent of the scientific representations of Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel, appearing almost expressionistic through the reduction of filigree and the use of polygons, but nevertheless maintaining a high level of detail and trueness to nature. His works adorn the streets and buildings of France, street art par excellence, but also his works on paper are beautiful representations of animals, which are settled crosswise by the taxonomic structure of zoology. Individual prints of his works of art are also for sale. Support Teuthis with a follow and help him to reach out, his works look really fantastic and bring nature back to the grey cities. (Frank Steinmann)


I believe that the people who affected me the most, the people who raised me, are people from the countryside. I like to believe that most of the people here respect this area, it‘s in our tradition, and our tradition is not lost yet. The Balkans, Croatia, is a nice place to live in, we are easy-going, we like to work, we like to be outside, more and more people are returning to their roots, to the fields and crops, more and more people are trying to discover their true calling ...
Don‘t get me wrong, life is not easy around here, you often must struggle in your life and you must work hard for your piece of bread, but I think it‘s worth it. Nature is outstanding, we have it all. Golden fields, pristine mountain creeks, lush vineyards, gin clear chalk streams, never-ending valleys and unpredictable, mystical forests, the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and so many drinking water springs, that some of them are not even mentioned in the books.
Rich by nature It is easy to say that we are rich people. Our heritage is enormous and our culture is priceless. Somehow, yet, some of us are trying to get away for an adventure, to see what else is out there. I respect the spirit of the explorer.
Maybe one day I will decide to go too, but for now, I will stand on my ground and try to leave my trace here, under the clear sky of my land, under the green branches, by the warm bonfire next to my people.


This nature is my home, this keeps me going, folklore and traditions, this is something that absolutely fulfills me, drives me crazy, intrigues me, pumps my blood, and relaxes me in the same moment. I don‘t know why, but it‘s something about being in the wilderness that feeds me. Is it a getaway, an adventure, the simplicity of nature, beautiful landscapes, sounds, listening to your inner mind, relaxing your soul... Hard to tell!
I don‘t know if I should call it a gift or should I thank the people who encouraged me to follow my own path. I guess I was lucky to be born here, raised this way, on the countryside, next to many forests, streams and rivers, I‘m lucky that I get to spend so many hours out there. Of course, I didn‘t realize that these small outdoor adventures were creating the path that I will probably follow till the rest of my life, but now, 30 years later, I understand that I‘m still searching for the same thing, the same innocent adventures, that will calm my spirit and fulfill my soul. I‘m still searching for an open sky on an open road and I can tell you that it‘s easy.
Free, wild and beautiful Over here it nearly feels too easy to find an adventure, to explore a crystal clear water body and follow it upstream, all the way to the heart of the river where a mysterious blue pool pumps the life in my veins, where the water is flowing as it should, easy, with the only things that are in its way being rocks and trees. Where the animals are free, wild and beautiful.


I have learned a lot from this, for me never ending seeming, waters and old forests. I‘ve learned that they are never ending like I used to think. They are getting old, just like me, and as old as we get, we understand each other more and more, we respect each other. I try to cherish everything I get from it, from nature itself. In return, I am ashamed for giving back almost nothing, because I don‘t know what can compare with this enormous acceptance that I am receiving from it.
Why do I love it, why is it calling me all the time?
I don‘t know, but one thing is for sure. Water and nature ask almost nothing and give everything. All we have to do is to learn how to enjoy it. For some of us this seems to be easy and for others that is unreachable. And yes, we are taking advantage of it.
Nature knows it and most of the time it is quiet, holding the pressure, like parents. It‘s letting us being selfish and little by little we are more aware of that.


Floating experiences So, we are changing and now we are trying to replace what we have killed. We are scared, little by little we accept that we have no power over it and that we will pay the ultimate price. Maybe the ultimate price is not a wise pick of words, but you understand... It will take us, and we will become a part of the things that we are taking advantage of. Now I am sure that I‘m just trying to hook every piece of experience that is floating in the current while I‘m paddling. If I don‘t hook it and if I don‘t take advantage of it, I‘m sure all the experience will float away for good. Also, I know my paddle will stop and when it stops, I want to be sure that I left an impact, not on nature, but to my son, my daughter, my friend, so they could paddle in the river of experience that I have paddled before, and they will know.
They will know a little more how to cherish the moment, so they can pass it to their daughters and sons, their friends, little by little.




During a short trip to the Bavarian Alps and a visit at the fly fishing legend and our SCALE partner Rudi Heger this fall, I was lucky to meet Olivier Portrat. Olivier has been a fixture on the worldwide fishing scene for decades. Being the son of a French diplomat he has always been a nomad and his journalistic, photographic and of course fishing skills are internationally renowned and appreciated. What few anglers and fishermen have noticed, however, is that Olivier currently holds the position of CEO of EFTTA (European Fishing Tackle Trade Association), replacing his predecessor Jean-Claude Bel since the year 2020.
Portrait is a linguistic talent, speaks fluent German, English and French, and is also proficient in Italian, Spanish and Dutch, so that the diverse communication combined with his expertise and cosmopolitan background perfectly qualify him for this position.
If the opportunity arises to meet such a veteran of the journalistic fishing scene, it goes without saying that this must be taken. So I had the pleasure to ask Olivier 6 questions in a short interview, that seem to be of enormous importance for us anglers in Europe and maybe partly worldwide.
“Hello Olivier, first of all, congratulations for you on the election of the EFTTA CEO and thank you very much on behalf of the editorial staff for your time with us, and of course also in the name of the European readership of SCALE Magazine.” 1. “Would you please explain to our readers what EFTTA actually represents and which (also political) functions it holds? The meaning and effect of the pan-European functionality of an association probably seems very far off for the individual angler.“ „EFTTA represents the interests of the European angling industry. The main focus of this work is to cooperate with the EU (Commission & European Parliament) in order to secure the long-term future of angling in the best possible way. This is important because the future of the angling industry has never been so threatened as it is today. These dangers are of political, economic and ecological nature.
If the EU were to make appointments with private individuals, it would be suffocated in a confusing flood of appointments.
Therefore, the EU is calling for interest groups to organize themselves into an association. This will provide a clearer overview of the situation. The positive aspect is that we fishermen can also be heard in this way. But the same applies to our opponents.
European decision-makers can get their own picture of the situation and thus make well-founded decisions on this basis.
Without our own association, we anglers would not be heard in Brussels. An association such as EFTTA is therefore essential for a sensible continuity of angling within the EU“.


2. “EFTTEX, as the exhibition organ of the European Fishing tackle Trade Association, has received increasing negative criticism in recent years (SCALE also reported on this in two issues). The organisers were criticised for outdated management, very limited media coverage, ignoring key social media figures and thus failing to address the entire younger generation of anglers as well as the potential customers of tomorrow. Also, many wellknown manufacturers, such as Shimano, have stopped exhibiting at EFTTEX in the first place. As the new CEO of EFTTA, where do you want to take EFTTEX to?” “I have only been in office since December 2019. One of my first projects was the EFTTEX – I wanted to take this, Europe‘s largest angling trade show, and turn it into a more attractive and modern event that would bring a breath of fresh air and involve the angling youth of Europe.
The exhibition should have been held in Prague in June. Because Prague has the beautiful Moldau River I and my friend Ross Honey (WPC, WCC & WSF) set out to create an international street fishing competition parallel to EFTTEX.
At the same time I had secured a budget to invite at least 2/3 of the European social media (bloggers, influencers etc) and the representatives of the printed press. In this way, this trade fair for dealers also reaches the consumers directly – an added value for the exhibitors.
The aim was to inform all these „players“ in the angling industry about the importance of EFTTA‘s work in Brussels and to make them understand why we need the support of all anglers, why the survival of angling depends on our work in Brussels.
But then came Corona. We had to cancel the fair and postpone it until next year ...“.


3. “Even if the topic may have become a tiresome one for many people, the current events around COVID-19 determine our everyday life worldwide. Thus also the practice of sport fishing. From an economical point of view, this may have devastating effects, e.g. for tour operators, guides and possibly also the gear manufacturers. Do you see the pandemic as a current reason for the economically oriented outcry or do you consider it from a different point of view?“ “The first European „lockdown“ was very strict, especially in southern European countries. In Italy, France and Spain fishing was simply forbidden. This was of course a catastrophe for the local fishing stores and the wholesalers who supply these stores. But since then the tide has turned. Fishing has been allowed again, and an amazing phenomenon has developed throughout Europe: More people have gone fishing than ever before!
Throughout Europe, millions of „new“ anglers have been created by Corona – somewhere understandable, because fishing is „social-distancing at its best! This trend is most spectacular in Central and Northern European countries. Many of the big European wholesalers were already sold out in early summer!
The good thing is: this trend will probably continue.
But there are also losers and in many ways fishing tourism is more of a loser than a winner, especially in France, Italy and Spain. I wish the companies & guides concerned a lot of staying power – there will be rosy times again!
An astonishing side effect is that the fish of the Ebro, for example, have never had such peace and quiet from anglers – and this will undoubtedly have a positive effect on fish stocks in the long term ...“.
4. “What is your assessment of the ecological situation of our planet and therefore inevitably the future situation for us sport fishermen, who are all dependent on ecology? So what do you think is a future-oriented, contemporary angling, if we want to include factors like climate change or environmental and habitat destruction in this vision?“ “The ecological situation of our planet is unfortunately disastrous. For 150 years we have been systematically overexploiting nature – and now we are paying the price in the form of rapidly advancing climate change, among other things.
On the part of EFTTA, we in Brussels are fighting for free migration routes in our rivers and are vehemently resisting additional waterway construction, while at the same time promoting the dismantling of power plants. But in the context of the nuclear phase-out and the search for „sustainable“ energies, thousands of new hydroelectric power projects are in the planning phase! For us at EFTTA, any hydroelectric power associated with damming is an ecological disaster and anything but sustainable.
Massive, mostly agricultural caused insect losses make it difficult for many fish species to thrive. Invasive species, some of which are extremely protected (cormorants, otters!), make the situation even more difficult – unfortunately there are countless construction sites here too.
I try to make myself heard by the decision-makers in Brussels by always pointing out that we anglers have a vested interest in healthy biotopes, as only then can our fishing sport be crowned with success. We anglers are nature conservationists and not nature users!


5. “The fishing industry itself seems to be developing rapidly, despite the crisis it has been called. It is estimated that the European fishing sector has a turnover of at least 20-25 billion euros a year (sea fishing alone generates 10.5 billion euros in turnover and 100,000 jobs within the EU – see the study by Kieran Hyder), and in the USA this figure could be quadrupled again. How can we make our hobby sustainable and nature-friendly?“ “This is in our very own interest, today more than ever before, because the EU has declared war on plastic waste. We at EFTTA welcome this „war“ – it is unfortunately necessary. Whoever expresses a different opinion, I would ask them to ask their children about this issue and the answers regularly that such a „war“ is essential. The youth of today are aware of this problem, often more so than the older generations ... Whenever possible, I urge the industry behind the fishing business to be more ecological and „greener“ on its own initiative.
Currently, research is underway to find out what percentage of the plastic waste in the European oceans we fishermen are responsible for. Unfortunately, these investigations are currently based on the number of pieces and not on the weight of the plastic found. If a 300 kilo synthetic fishing net is found on a beach (which professional fishermen often deliberately dispose of in the sea, because it is cheaper than any professional disposal!), then this amounts to as much in the statistics as a few centimeters of fishing line! This is of course extremely unfair towards us fishermen, that‘s what I am fighting against in Brussels.
Would the plastic waste that we anglers dispose of - against our will! – be rated by weight when fishing, we would hardly appear in these statistics as waste producers at all. A plastic bottle contains far more plastic than what the average angler loses in his life in fishing line over getting snagged. No angler is out to lose his equipment, because he has to pay a lot of money for it!
The EU Commission is currently working on a list of banned disposable plastics. Last winter, plastic fishing line was suddenly on this list! It is important to know that not only nylon lines are made of plastic, but also braided lines are made of plastic-polymers. In short, if the plastic fishing line remains on this list and the list becomes legally binding after a vote in the European Parliament & Council, then the use of modern fishing line would suddenly be banned throughout the EU, to which we anglers have no sensible alternative! That would be the end of fishing and 100.000 jobs in the EU!


We have therefore made representations to the Commission and have convinced them to take plastic fishing line off this list of banned products. In return we promised that we will gladly give up plastic fishing lines as soon as we have a reasonable alternative (which does not exist yet!). This is only a stage win as the plastic line may be back on the banned list at some point – it is EFTTA‘s job to stay on top of it and stay on the ball.
In the crosshairs are also hard and softbaits made of plastic, lead, but also additives for boilies & attractant feed. I am a little less concerned about these issues as there are very environmentally friendly alternatives – for example soft plastic baits without plastisols and without other toxic substances.
As mentioned at the beginning, I am pushing „my“ industry to become „greener“ on its own initiative, even before any laws require us to do so. The echo is very positive – the proof is in the many environmentally friendly soft plastic baits that are now on the market, and many manufacturers now offer alternatives to lead.” 6. “And finally the hypothetical question to you: If you were an eco-dictator in Europe, what would your personal goals and strategies in the EU be in favor of fishing?” „This is a difficult question, because if you want to be a „good“ dictator, you have to make many compromises, which often dilute the result. I am aware that it is not only us fishermen and our interests that are at stake ...
1. I would be a declared opponent of fish farming in open waters. This is factory farming outdoors, which is accompanied by a high use of medication.
The only justifiable form of fish breeding takes place in closed recirculation systems, possibly also aquaponics. It is important that the farmed fish species can thrive without animal proteins, because currently 5 kilos of wild fish (anchovies, sardines etc.) are used to produce one kilo of farmed fish. Salmon & trout and other predatory fish cannot be fattened with vegetable proteins.


2. I would be vehemently against the great pressure that the commercial fishery puts on the biotopes. All fish should be left to sport fishing – every fish caught with a rod is economically (and culinary!) is worth many times the value of the same fish that is killed by commercial fishing. We anglers can take fish selectively, without destroying any habitats. We do not destroy the bottoms of the oceans with trawls or other extremely harmful fishing techniques. Also, we anglers are not able to destroy entire stocks – professional fishermen, on the other hand, have already managed to do so in many oceans. The horrible „ghost nets“ are also a legacy of professional fishing!
Now one might say that it is impossible to dispense with commercial fishing – but this is not true: Florida has banned commercial fishing with nets and other harmful techniques for a long time! And it has become the state with the richest fish populations in the USA. Nevertheless, the locals don‘t have to do without fish, because anglers are allowed to sell fish under certain controlled circumstances. Although at first the professional fishermen cried out loudly, in the meantime the added value of Florida‘s fish stocks has increased: The former professional fishermen now earn better money by renting boats and accommodation to anglers or as guides. Everyone in Florida has benefited from the measures taken – especially nature ...
3. I would take full advantage of the great benefits that fishing has over hunting: In contrast to the hunter, we fishermen are free to leave the creature we have captured alive and release it after a successful act! Accordingly I would reject the German way, which almost obliges the anglers to kill the caught fish. By the way, this course is unique in the EU, in every other EU country you are free to decide on the survival of the captured fish yourself.
After all, in the forest the German hunter is not obliged to kill everything that gets in front of his shotgun! And for those who criticize it when we fishermen go fishing for „fun“, I‘m happy to ask if they use contraception during sex.
Usually this question is answered with a perplexed „yes“ – and then I would say that it is the same with fishing - our driving force is only exceptionally the fish on the plate, because for us the experience of nature comes first, just like with sex – except for Mormons and similar sects ...
4. Last but not least, I would be against hydraulic engineering, especially against the destruction of migration routes by dams. Also I would promote high quality water treatment in terms of sanitation and sewage treatment plants. I do not mind hydroelectric power using ocean currents and the like, the important thing is to keep migration routes open – not only to allow fish to ascend into the rivers, but also to ensure smooth migration“.
„Finally, also on behalf of our readers, I would like to thank you for your time and wish you all the best and a lot of positive influence on the political, economic and ecological events surrounding angling in the EU as CEO of EFTTA!” (Frank Steinmann)


Thanks for cancelling my long-standing plans to visit Australia, Covid, you motherf– ! Anyway, Europe obviously holds a lot of interesting, promising destinations as well… Alright, alright, it wasn’t Europe in the end, it was an island in the middle of the Atlantic – Madeira.
An island which might make you think of Big Game fishing, going after Marlin and Tuna. Obviously, giant world record type fish are being caught here every year. But over the last couple of years Light Tackle fishing has emerged from the shadows, so to speak.
More and more people have been going after Bluefish, Grouper, Red Snapper, etc.
Wild Northern Coast Sadly there is just one single trustworthy charter company offering Light Tackle tours, which makes it a rather difficult (and expensive) venture to fish Madeira with light tackle. I decided to fish from shore rather then paying a fortune and after a little bit of research it became clear to me that the northern coast offers the most promising spots. There were, however, a couple of problems. The surge can be quiet rough on this side of the island, which consist almost exclusively of beautiful steep cliffs, making it rather hazardous to fish.
There are only a few accessible spots, and those are exposed to the groundswell in a way that will give even the most experienced anglers the shakes. The wind blowing from the north is another problematic factor, as it’s usually a constant during summer, creating high sets of waves which make fishing impossible, often for days at a time. The southern coast is more accessible, you can practically fish here all year round, though a lack in current and extensive local fishing enterprises make it a rather underwhelming experience in terms of actually catching something, which is a prize I’m definitely not willing to pay.


It is custom, some would say it’s obligatory, for the passionate angler to go for the first cast immediately after arriving at their chosen location, Porto Moniz in my case. Unfortunately, the northern coast decided to be everything I explained the paragraph above (hazardous, hard to reach, wildly beautiful) and worse, with winds of 5 Beaufort and high waves. I therefore decided to postpone my first cast and have a look at the breathtaking landscape instead: The magical natural pools, which are the main tourist attraction of the region, the steep cliffs and the Ilha Moheu. We spent the evening enjoying black scabbardfish with banana, a local specialty.
Tough Game The weather softened over the following days, 25 degrees and a light breeze, which made us comfortable and hopeful, though our attempts at fishing on bluefish seemed rather hopeless at first. Except for a few mullets, there were simply no schools of baitfish around, which made it hard to locate any bluefish.
Topwater, shads, wobbler – nothing seemed to attract any sea creature. Neither the shingle beach nor the cliffs had anything to offer that day. Well, except for lizard fish, those were everywhere. I became more and more frustrated, and watching some Portuguese people dip after having dinner in Seixal didn’t help at all. During my twelve days on the island I didn’t see a single spin rod. The locals all fish with a sardine paste, they attract the baitfish with it. The prey was seldom any larger than 20cm, just mullets and wrasses. But let’s go back to the scene in Seixal, where I saw those Portuguese anglers kick it from high up the cliffs. I decided to give it a go as well, this time approaching the matter differently: letting the softbait sink to a medium depth, retrieving it slowly. I didn’t expect any immediate success, which is why I was so surprised when my rod suddenly twitched and bent heavily towards the sea. Hooking something is easy though, landing is the real challenge. I had to do some climbing, and the fish dived twice, almost ripping the line on the sharp mussels that attached themselves to the cliffs, but luck returned and I was finally able to land my first Madeira bluefish in a pool.


A long way to go From here on out, it felt like the spell was broken and over the following days I managed to land a couple of medium-sized bluefish. I had brought my hardbaits in vain it seemed, all of them fell for the same trick as the first. The spots around Porto Moniz and Seixal were really the only ones I came across while researching the place. But north coast is long and during my hiking tours I often encountered spots which seemed promising to say the least. The problem was accessibility, climbing down the steep cliffs is difficult and dangerous at times. But I had to try, didn’t I?
So I chose one of those promising looking spots at last and began the descent. Ninety minutes later I arrived, slightly ruffled I suppose, at the water.
I almost immediately forgot about the trouble I had reaching the place, because, as it is often the case with these secluded, hard-to-reach spots, the first cast brought the first bite.
The bait was immediately taken by a couple of small groupers (and some lizard fish, of course). After switching to a topwater bait, the target fish of my journey made an appearance as well: a bluefish of over five kilos bit down on my Seaspin Pro Q. Another couple of bites later, I had enough and began climbing back up. Two hours and temperatures of over 30, well, as you can probably imagine, I was sweaty mess alright. But I felt rather pleased with myself and finished two bottles of “Brisa”, a local passion fruit lemonade, as a reward.


Porto Moniz I spent my last day at the north coast at a well-known spot in Porto Moniz, a place swarming with speer anglers, which I believe explains the futileness of my previous attempts at catching something here. The speer anglers roam Madeira in great numbers and especially the numbers of amberjacks and groupers, which are the Spearos main targets, have been reduced as a result. I wasn’t too hopeful therefore, as I jigged my Fiiish Black Minnow a long the cliff edge for what felt like the hundredth time, when suddenly there came a bite like clap of thunder. The first run took 30 metres of line from my reel and the rod was bent like a bow. Was this, could this be…? After a couple of stressful minutes and a hard fight he lay there before me: a dusky grouper of more than ten kilos. Naturally I released the magnificent beast, and while I did so, bemused looks were generously cast in my direction by the local fishermen. I really hope my grouper’s lucky enough to escape the Spearo’s sharp weapons.
Need a change?
In addition to the coastal fishing, Madeira offers a range of great activities even in bad weather. The Levadas, rivers which flow through most parts of the island, are home to a healthy population of rainbow trout. They may be small, but their beautiful markings make up for what they lack in size.
Those of you who are after big game should book a tour with Madeira Sight Cast Fishing, the captain was a professional fisherman and knows every decent spot for amberjack and pargo. On my tour I managed to convince a couple of big Dentex Gibbosus by slow jigging. If you’re lucky (meaning perfect weather conditions), you can take your jigging to the Islas Desertas. The waters surrounding the islands are full of world record amberjacks, the current record (from boat) being 80 kilos. Flower island is also a great place for anglers and it can be reached quite easily after a short flight. Adeus por agora Madeira!
Recommended tackle Light Tackle • Rod PE 1-2 / Line 20lb / (long) leader 60lb • Baits: Fiiish Black Minnow (for grouper und bluefish) / Halco Twisty / Seaspin Pro Q / Seaspin Janas Jigging • Slow Jigging rod PE 2 / line 30lb / leader 60lb • Baits: Slow Jigs like the FC Labo MSL 100-200gr / JLC Sepia and XIPI for Dentex


Although back then nobody used the word, I have been a true introvert since my earliest childhood. I grew up having only a few close friends and somehow I always managed to avoid those chaotic going-out-with-friendsand-meeting-new-crazy-people type situations.
Hell, I even skipped my prom night and the graduation trip. I never really rejected people, I just didn’t need them to feel good and I always enjoyed “me time”. Every minute of it, throughout my entire life. I’m 40 today and I went through many different hobbies and interests, but somehow, fishing remained one of my favourites ever since I caught my first fish just a few days before my 4th birthday. I have found fishing to be one of the most relaxing and exciting sports and the day I got my first fly rod, I got even more hooked.
As it goes with fly fishing, it’s not just a fly rod and a few flies you buy to catch your first trout.
It’s rather a sort of entry pass – quickly, you want to be a great caster so you can throw that fly where the fish are, you want to know everything about those insects and, of course, you want to tie your own flies. A bunch of different, nice looking and working flies that will catch everything that swims. This is a process and it takes ages of course. You don’t become either a fly fisher or a fly tier over a night. It takes patience, it takes learning and accepting, it takes many bad casts and ugly flies to become an expert. It’s a journey and that journey has been enriching my life quite a bit, to me it meant mindfulness and relaxation.


Much More Than Tying Although it can be quite simple, because you can literally brush your dog or cat, take some of that hair and tie a fly that will actually catch fish. On the other hand, fly tying can be very complex. It is often described as a form of art, and to no one’s surprise I’d argue: think of fly tying as creating, with you on one side and an endless number of combinations and creativity on the other, clearly artful process. But to me, it is much more than that. For me, fly tying is a very important part of my life. It is my therapy, my medication and that special “me time” which would be hard to replace with something else.
No matter what happens in my life, I will always open the door of my fly tying closet, I will sit down and I will start tying some flies.
Sometimes, a couple will be enough to make me feel better and to forget about things and sometimes, I will keep on tying for hours and hours and I will keep creating new patterns and developing new ideas. All alone, just me, that old vise and thousands of different materials. I’ve been buying those materials for years like a kid collecting toy cars. All those furs and feathers, beads, wires, threads and tinsels, it’s a real kingdom of colors and patterns. We all played when we were kids and this is barely any different than playing.
It looks pretty much like building a rocket or a truck with Lego toys. Well, playing might be just the thing you need because being a grown up brings up lots of bad stuff and we all need a break and some “me time” to reset and start functioning again.


A Different, Mindful Approach Tying flies can be a hobby, it can also be a cheaper way of stocking up on your own flies because, let’s face it, it is much cheaper to tie your own than to buy them from a store or another fly tier. But it can be much more than that. Some people do yoga and some meditate, well, some of use fly tying in a way that works and fixes your mind just like meditation would. When you look at a certain fly, you can see something that will attract fish but in the life of a fly tier, a fly looks more like this: usually, when I sit down and decide to tie some flies, I already have a few ideas. Then the counting begins and counting is constant through the entire process. This is when the magic really begins – I have a pattern in my mind and I decide that I need 20 of those, 10 of each tied in #12 and #10 hooks. I carefully pick the right hooks, I count them, I count the beads, I think of other materials and finally, I put the first hook in the vise. The magic goes on with each wrap of thread and with each material I tie on.
I keep counting. I need three fibres and I need the exact amount of dubbing. I made the dubbing myself, carefully combining the right ingredients to make the dubbing perfect. I keep counting, the fly needs an exact number of wraps of ribbing wire – five wraps for the #12 hook and six wraps for #10 size hook.
All flies have to look the same, no flaws allowed. While doing that, my mind is completely shut off for anything else. I am mindful about every single wrap and I think about nothing else. There are these steps and rules I have to follow and I need to get to the end and the end is a perfectly tied fly, or 20 of them. If I get carried away, I will tie a hundred. There are no limitations and the combinations are endless. Nothing is stopping me and I am as mindful as it gets about it: Paying attention to every single detail and enjoying every single moment of it while completely forgetting what’s going on around me.


This will make any bad day look good and bright again.
For me, this works as meditation and there is no better therapy and medication, no matter how hard things get in life.
The Benefits of Mindfulness Mindfulness takes many shapes and goes by many names and you don’t even have to bother yourself with all of that. Instead, next time you decide to tie some flies, do it differently. Don’t just tie them obsessing with the clock or checking for new messages on your phone. Instead, try your best and try to really be there. You and your fly tying desk. The endless creativity and thousands of options, your drawers full of all kinds of materials. This is nothing but magic! Being mindful about your fly tying will help you focus, it will greatly reduce stress and anxiety while feeding your brain with satisfaction. It might take some time, but you will quickly see the difference and once you get yourself into it, your life will change for the better. You will be calmer, happier, more satisfied, rested and ready for whatever life decides to throw at you. Being mindful about your fly tying will bring awareness and caring into every single move you make.
Once you start noticing changes, you won’t stop with fly tying. Things will change and you will start looking at fly fishing differently and just like tying flies, fishing can be something completely different than just catching fish.
It can be your way to cope with the world, it can be your “me time” that fixes just about everything that needs to be fixed when things aren’t right. It can be magic. Just a day in your life, but a day well spent


TRXSTLE CRC FLYROD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Our friend Jan Pieter Aben from Finest Fly Fishing has kindly sent us a special thank you for the presentation of the roof rack, which can also be transported without using a car, but with the help of the shoulder strap. So we can offer you guys out there a Trxstle CRC fly rod transport system within our raffle. Honestly, we would have prefered to keep the fancy equipment for ourselves, but it´s Christmas time, so here we go... However, we will only announce the winner shortly before the next SCALE issue is published in March. Until so you have time to send us an email with the subject „trxstle“ to the following address. Good luck!


Photo: History Television


First and foremost a fly fisherman and a fish activist, Patagonia ambassador Jasper Pääkkönen is also one of Finland’s most recognisable film actors – an asset he does not hesitate to use to bring attention to critical fish-related issues in his home country. Many of Jasper‘s public campaigns have led to concrete changes in Finland‘s fishing laws and regulations.
We catch up with the fly fisherman to find out what he’s been up to and how he sees the sport and community changing.
You fish and work all over the world, but this year, like so many people, you’ve had to stay close to home. What has that been like, with no travel plans to distract you?
The pandemic meant I did a lot less fishing because many of my planned trips were abroad. I had three weeks booked on the Kola Peninsula in Russia, and a week planned in Cuba, so all of that was cancelled. Instead, I’ve been spending more time at home this summer, fishing for perch, and now that the water is getting colder, I’ll start fishing for pike on fly, which I haven’t done in maybe in a decade. So it’s been a great time for me to reconnect with those fish and that part of fly fishing.


So this period has reminded you of what your home waters have to offer.
Yes. Finland has some incredible pike waters, but in recent years my salmon madness took over from that. Now that travel is almost impossible, I’m able to tap back into something else I love – fly fishing for Northern Pike.
An unfortunate fact is that Finland’s trout and salmon populations are in such terrible shape that I have to travel to Sweden, Norway or Russia to access prime fishing for those species. And right now, travel to Sweden and Russia is impossible. Luckily, I can still travel to northern Norway to fish for salmon and there is a lot to satisfy me at home too.
How has your home fishing community reacted to this year’s events?
Firstly, it’s been incredible to see how many new people have found their way into fly fishing. Some have literally started it from scratch as a completely new hobby, and there are also people who previously fished with conventional tackle but who are now moving onto fly fishing.
At the start of Covid, I spoke to a manufacturer who was terrified about the impact on their business – that it might be the end of their company. They thought people would ditch fishing immediately. But, in fact, the opposite happened. People had time, they weren’t able to travel abroad, and, all of a sudden, they had to look for things to do within Finland, and new ways to explore and be in nature.
Fishing was one of those options, and it just brought a massive number of new fishermen to the sport, which is fantastic. To an extent, this has been a dying sport for some time now. It’s been incredibly hard to get new generations into fly fishing and each year the community has gotten older and older.
But now, here in Finland, we’re seeing a surge of new people from all different age groups getting started – which is just great.


Do you think this surge in popularity might bring with it a raised consciousness of the threats to fish, wild spaces and rivers, as people engage more regularly with them?
Absolutely, and part of the reason is that, for the last decade or so, there has been a lot more discussion and acknowledgement from within the existing fly fishing community about depleted fish stocks. Anybody coming into the sport now will be presented with that from the beginning.
When I started fishing, we just didn’t have that. Back then, in the 80s, a truck would arrive from a hatchery and just tip fish into a river. When the fish ran out, you would just literally add more fish. However, since then we’ve become much more aware of what needs to be done to sustain this sport and the places in which we do it. Anybody arriving on the scene now has the information about why conservation is important from the start.
As a Patagonia ambassador and an activist on environmental issues, you have been at the forefront of bringing an awareness to the fly fishing community, worldwide. Do you think that this community is becoming more educated on environmental topics, beyond caring about the fish we want to catch?
Photo: History Television
Jasper Pääkkönen (with friend and actor Peter Franzen) as character Halfdan The Black in the TV series VIKINGS
People are now aware of the threats that exist to rivers. In the case of Finland, the main threat is hydropower. In the past, many people felt hydro electricity production was a positive thing, but now much of the country understands that something which destroys whole rivers, fisheries and ecosystems cannot be ‘clean’, ‘green’ or environmentally friendly. It is, in fact, incredibly damaging. This is particularly well known among people who fish because they are the people who depend on free-flowing rivers, healthy fish and healthy, functioning ecosystems.


You mention that fly fishing’s popularity is growing, and that younger people are coming into it. Do you feel that the balance of ethnic diversity within the sport is shifting at all in the process?
It‘s clear that fly fishing is still a predominantly white sport. However, just during the last few years – and maybe through social media documenting the spread of fly fishing - I feel like I’ve seen more diversity on the waters.
Every time I see a fisherman or woman of a different skin colour, it brings a smile to my face. But, at the same time, it’s so conflicting.
I’m aware that I shouldn’t have to feel happy when I see a black fly fisherman because the colour of their skin should not even be a consideration - but the sad reality is that it is.
We still have so far to go for this not to be an issue, and what’s happening all over the world proves that – especially in the US, where the Black Lives Matter movement began.
You would think that things like structural racism would not even exist anymore, but to some extent it’s a bigger problem now than it was 10 years ago, because of the current state of politics in many countries.


One of the barriers to entry for people of colour in the outdoors is geographical, with people often living in urban areas away from wild spaces. In light of that, do you think fly fishing could represent a way into the outdoors for people coming from a city environment?
Absolutely. If I take my own home waters as an example, I live in Helsinki, which is surrounded by lakes and the Baltic Sea. There is a tremendous amount of opportunity to successfully fish close to the city. In early spring we have brown trout, then pike and perch, and this movement of urban fishing, which I’ve seen happening in a number of cities, is gaining more popularity and momentum. It is now ‘a thing’ to catch a fish in large cities of developed countries – many of which have water running through or around them - and so surely fly fishing can become accessible to a broader range of people.
You don’t need a salmon river or a remote trout stream to enjoy it either, you can catch other fish on any body of water, so the potential is huge for people to get into this sport and the outdoors
Another thing that can prevent people taking part in outdoor sports is the cost involved. What message do you have for those who are interested in getting into fly fishing but worried they need expensive gear?
It doesn’t have to be an expensive sport. I’ve helped a few of my friends pick out gear and get into fly fishing recently. For a few hundred Euros they have been able to pick up a beginner set, which I myself, even after 30 years of fishing, would be very happy to use. These kits are accessible, and will last for years, so it’s a relatively small investment to enter this sport if people want to get involved.
Patagonia‘s campaign to protect wild fish


The Autumn Fly – by Allan Overgaard
Autumn maybe is just gone and and the coastal flyfishing for sea-run-browns can be tricky but the chance of getting that big trophy-fish have neverBY been better. In this video we have teamed up with the SCALE PRESENTS TIE HARDmight – POWERED AHREX skilled Danish flyfisher andMORTEN tyer Allan HAGGE Overgaard who is tying his favorite fly – The Autumn Fly. Originally GRIZZLY CANDY VON HANSEN
tied by another Dane Henrik Brangstrup back in the late 90’s.
Fliegenbau statt Fliegenbinden heißt es diesmal bei Tie Hard ... Durch die ausschließliche Verwendung von UV-Harz zum Sichern der Materialien anstelle von Fadenwicklungen, erhaltet ihr eine superstarke Fliege und vermeidet die Umstände mit dem As whip-finisher.
always keep on fishing and tie
The name “Autumn” is not meant for fishing in the autumn alone – but more referring to the colors and the fact that the inventor dropped the fly during a fishing trip in the autumn, and had problems finding it again among the fallen autumn leaves lying on the ground.But give it a shot – the color combination can do magic in the search of that big autumn and winter-sea-run-brown.
Eine sehr einfache Fischimitation eines Sandaals – ein echter Fischmagnet für das Küstenfischen nach z.B. Meerforelle oder Wolfsbarsch. Einfach und doch effektiv.
HappyCheers, tying and tight lines! and (fst) SCALE!


HYDRO FLASK – LIGHTWEIGHT TRAIL SERIES When you go fishing in remote areas with a backpack on, you need to think carefully about what and how much you‘re going to take. After all, you can‘t skimp on the liquid that is essential for survival. In addition, the drink should stay cool as long as possible in high temperatures and in the cold season every angler is happy to have a hot tea or a warming soup with him. And this is where the Hydro Flask comes in with its vacuum-insulated drinking bottles. The Lightweight Trail Series is a new model on the market that is 25% lighter than the standard bottle. The new Hydro Flask series from the USA is therefore the ideal companion for all outdoor enthusiasts and promises chilled liquids for up to 24 hours and hot drinks for a warm period of up to 12 hours.
The Hydroflask is made of 18/8 powder-coated, double-walled stainless steel and contains a vacuum between the metal layers to provide the necessary insulation. In terms of capacity, volumes from 500 ml to 1.8 litres are available, the cap sits tight bomb-proof, is leak-proof and made of BPA-free plastic. Hydro Flasks are available in various colours and come with a lifetime guarantee.
You would like to try this high quality flask on your next fishing trip? There is nothing easier than that, because we are giving away three of the new models from the Lightweight Trail Series – just send us an email to
hydroflask@scale-magazine.com The winners will be announced in the next issue. But if you don‘t want to wait that long and want to put this fine flask under the Christmas tree, take a look here:




2020 doesn’t really seem to be my year so far. A lot of people feeling that way, I guess. My personal misery included my dog breaking his front leg in a silly, avoidable accident, and a tick which bit me and gave me Lyme disease.
That alone would be enough to deal with, but then, of course, Covid came. You know it all. “Staycation” was the deal and I wanted nothing else but to distract myself, to immerse myself in something I love.
The Asp My family and I decided to visit some friends, who own a house at Lake Balaton, and enjoy the final days of the summer there. I chose light tackle and waders, preparing myself for some quiet days in the shallows of southern shoreline, casting for asps. The wading here can’t be compared to, for instance, the wading experience at, say, the North Sea or the Baltic shoreline, going after sea trout. The shallows are quiet warm during the summer, around 20 degrees, so you won’t be in desperate need of actuals waders. You can basically fish in your swimming trunks, though I have to say the ideal time to go out is just before sunrise (or sunset), obviously not the warmest time of the day, and so I decided to slip into my old snorkelling shorty to stay on the safe side. Getting old, maybe. You’ll need a light, flexible rod, a fluorocarbon trace (the water is very clear) and a lure you’re able to cast far and retrieve fast. And then? Just wade in and stand still, like a heron.


I suggest not to make hundreds of casts towards the hills of the northern shoreline, which is the second big difference to wading the Baltic sea. There is simply too much water to cover and even more importantly, unlike sea trouts, the asps will give you hints about their hiding places. Wait for them to show themselves! They often chase bleaks towards the surface, that’s when you cast your lures.
Easier said then done of course, the silver bastards often seem to have an exact understanding of how far you’re able to cast your lure.
And even if you hit the right place, they will often ignore you, or, even more provocatively, they’ll hit the bleaks right behind you, literally splashing water on your back. It can be frustrating at times, but if you get hit, that’s when the real fun starts. Asps are surprisingly oblivious to all sorts of beachgoers, even if they’re smack in the centre of their hunting grounds.
My experience is that they keep hunting during the day, with kids swimming around them, sometimes ramming an innocent fisherman’s feet or hips.
Sometimes strong winds can whirl up the shallow, sandy, then silty water, a time during which I usually check the creeks and channels connected to the large lake.
Although I was keeping an eye out for the odd perch, I could not resist offering my small plastic lures to the nice asps patrolling the clear underwater jungles. Playing a 60cm asp in a 150cm wide canal covered with water lilies is a lot of fun, too.


The Volga Zander Talking about fun, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to fish for one of my favourites, the Volga zander (a zander subspecies with smaller bodies, zebra-like markings and without canine teeth) either. I rang up a friend of mine, Zoltan Kalauz. He is pro staffer at Jackson Kayaks and offers guided fishing trips with pro fishing kayaks, and I always wanted to try that.
I mean the fishing part, enjoying the mobility of the kayak, not the rowing. But Zoltan knows no mercy. He kept the paddling version for himself and I had to do “the real thing”.
To keep it short, for six hours straight he had me row, in the end covering seven kilometres on a rather choppy lake. And you know what?
It was great! I tried fishing from a normal kayak before and it was a pain in the ass… But these kayaks developed specifically for fishing are a lot of fun and extremely easy to handle. Stunning, really.
The thing with the southern bankside of lake Balaton is that it is an underwater desert with very few structures. If you find structure – preferably structures not many fishermen know of – you’ll find plenty of fish, and zander and Volga zander are such species that enjoy a decent hideout during the day. You come across the odd catfish every once in a while as well.
Zoltan showed me where to fish and despite of the rather poor conditions, we caught plenty of nice Volga zanders, smaller zanders, though no real dragons came to visit this time. Also I lost something big…


You know the feeling. But I returned to our friend’s house with light shoulders and fishy smelling hands. The dogs are always the first to know whether I had a successful day or not.
I don’t know if it will be possible in the foreseeable future, the situation being what it is, but, whenever you are in Hungary, consider enjoying the lukewarm shallows of lake Balaton with your family. Get up early, watch the sun rise, just wade in and immerse yourself.
And/or take a day off and book Zoltan for a kayak trip (www.kajakpeca.hu). Perhaps you can catch the big one I missed, but 20-30 hard hitting Volga zanders will make it worth your while as well.


Hot off the pre SCA LE REA DS ALO NG
Born in the early 70s, I experienced the highlights of my youth in the 80s. Apart from puberty with all its extremes, first love and other forms of ecstatic experiences, the music of that time has shaped me until today. The 80s Metal, no matter if Trash-, Speed-, Hair- or even Powermetal were mine! The room was wallpapered with posters of long-haired metal bands and after my first concert in 1987, that was Gary Moore, the first own electric guitar found its way into my home. Of course, Iron Maiden was also part of the repertoire of music with which I played for my family and the neighbors three blocks down the street every day at that time.
The heroes of my youth, they were real musicians, with the intention of transporting the message of heavy metal and hard rock to a world intimidated by the cold war. Today, 30 years later, when I was reading the relevant metal magazines at the breakfast table and it caught my eye that Iron Maiden guitarist Adrian Smith published a biography about his time with Maiden and his hobby, fishing, the spoon instantly dropped into my cereal.
How other than perfect can the combination of a metal legend and his fishing story telling be?
I have devoured Monsters of River and Rock in two days! I‘d like to add that the book is unfortunately only available in the English language so far, but hopefully such a very special work will find its way to translation into other languages too.
Adrian Smith, who is 63 years old today, reports in his book on his experiences in one of the most famous and successful metal bands of all times. Anecdotes about what happened on the band‘s world tours are lined up in serious scenarios that describe the dark sides of life on tour.


Maiden has never been a band known for excesses or rambling. Frontman Bruce Dickinson holds a licence as a flight captain, which led to the band being able to use their own Jumbo Jet 757 for touring. When Smith then reports on how he leaves between two gigs, briefly for tench fishing, he takes us with him to those moments that serve him as compensation on the water during the tour stress. Smith has been fishing since childhood and we all know the love and passion he feels for this hobby. So it seems all the more interesting to find out how a real rock star describes his time with the rod.
On 290 pages in hardcover we accompany Smith on his journey to fishing destinations all over the world. He tames a variety of species in fresh and salt water together with us and presents these experiences along with the necessary pinch of British humor and the attitude of a modest world star. From the native carp, the Canadian sturgeon, the black bass in New York to the bonefish of the Virgin Islands, Smith had them all. These fishing scenarios paired with real rock stories are unparalleled on the literature market.
If you are interested in the contemporary history of Iron Maiden, „Monsters of River & Rock“ will provide you with some wonderful hours of reading pleasure. In a richly illustrated middle section of the book, we also gain a visual insight into the world of the fishing Iron Maiden guitarist. So for all of you who know their musical and fishing roots to be in the 80s, this book is an unqualified recommendation!
And after reading it: Please turn on the stereo and blast out „Number of the beast“ for all neighbors, and play it really loud! (Frank Steinmann)
www.monstersofriverandrock.com www.instagram.com/misteradriansmith


SKAW & AWE ON THE WAY IN NORTHERN DENMARK “I will likely never be a great fisherman or writer, but what a glorious way to waste my life.” William


Fishing off The Spit: Kidnapped by the Wild Scandavian Way. A few weeks prior to writing this article, I was smoking ribs for a BBQ popup in Hamburg and caught wind of Wild Scandinavian Way, a streaming adventure cooking series championed by Chef Brian Bojsen.
Apparently, there was a group of merry madmen running around fishing, hunting, and cooking up awesome food without me. To remedy this unholy injustice, introductions were made, and here I stand.
It is 6:30am, my old neoprene waders have a pinhole leak just below my left knee and, more importantly, somewhere near the left side of my crotch. A slight chill is seeping down my left leg and my balls have gone into hiding. I am not a stranger to cold water, and this discomfort is something I can embrace as I try to scrape the rust off of my fly casting, which was never very good to begin with.
Fly fishing is a functional art form in which I have dabbled but never fully engaged. From the small, mostly stocked, mountain streams I fly fished in Appalachia, I developed a brusque “keep me out of the damn bushes” casting style. While it functions reasonably well in that context, tucking flies under rhododendron snags and boulder outcroppings, its effectiveness does not extend to casting in windy coastal waters. My previous and occasionally successful strategies for targeting sea trout have relied on an UglyStik, an old Penn reel, and whatever version of electric chicken grub or shad was at the top of my tackle box.
Lest any of my readers confuse this article for somewhere to gain valuable advice on Sea Trout fishing with a fly rod, I strongly urge you to look elsewhere for such practical knowledge. I will likely never amount to much of anything as an angler or writer, but what a glorious way to waste my life.
The water 40 meters off the shoreline near Saeby is at the moment fairly flat, clear, and not great for sea trout. According to my hosts, the best sea trout fishing weather is weather that would be considered shit for anything else. Despite the dim prospect of catch, I am grinning behind the collar of my Bergan’s jacket and trying, with little success, to convince the rod in my hands to put the line where I want it to go. God bless the Norwegians for freezing their asses off for centuries and mastering the creation of warm clothing in the process. Yeah, this is unapologetic product placement, and yes I am grateful these products are currently placed on what otherwise would be a miserably cold North Carolinian. I hope they start making waders soon, as I can’t afford Simms on what these criminals are paying me.


Ben Chadwick, far more competent with a fly rod, is a couple hundred meters down the beach. His line channels the wind while his hands work instinctively, casting gracefully in slow deliberate precision and then raking back in the line.. In day to day life, this is a man constantly on the move, a producer who makes all this possible by busting his ass with an enthusiasm hard to match. The only time I have witnessed him slow down is when he is casting. It seems that fishing can bring even the most driven humans a bit of peace. We go on fishing in blissful futility for another hour before shaking our heads at each other from a distance and going to get some breakfast. One of the many blessings of being surrounded by fishermen far more competent than myself is that, if they aren’t catching anything, then my not hooking anything other than seagrass seems less pitiful. Must be the damn fish not cooperating.
I have missed the coast, the water, and the cold winds that accompany it.
Too long have I been absent from this world, but I am here now and even the cold left leg brings me the joy of a familiar experience, in a place so far from the origins of my fishing life.
If you can’t find something to cast for in Denmark you might need to rethink this whole fishing thing. Fishing in Frederikshavn provides opportunities for targeting a variety of species in whatever legal method suits you. Leave the arsenic and dynamite at home folks. You can bait cast off the jetty in Saeby Harbor, then walk a few hundred yards and fly fish the mouth of the Saeby river for trout. JCFISK, a bait and kit shop of the highest measure, sits right in the middle between these two fishing spots. If you need to gear up or want to target a different species, Jesper and his staff will sort you out. They can set you up with a charter or a guide. It is, delightfully, a “pick your poison” kinda place.
In an attempt to increase the likelihood of catch in this late season trip, our group has divided to conquer. We want fish to eat in general, but we also need fish to cook on camera for the series Wild Scandavian Way. We have guys in waders upstream, guys fishing off the beach, and guys out on the V Boat crackin’ for mackerel and cod. The boat is captained by Tobias Herrmann, a predator fishing badass in his own right, and if we need to switch up the game plan fast, this 300hp beast will get us there with a roar. Might want to hang on to your beer.


With all of these lines in the water, one of the crew is bound to catch something. Regardless of the outcome, we are surrounded by good friends and beautiful environs. There is plenty of hot coffee, cold beer, warm clothes; and if things don’t pan out, steaks as a damn good backup plan. We won’t be going hungry. One of Jesper’s favorite sayings is: „En fisktur uden fisk er bedre end en god dag på arbejde“ (“A fishing trip without a fish is better than any good day at work.”) On the final morning of our stay in Saeby, I broke off early, stole a Volvo, and drove down to try my luck a little further south. Jesper said that some good sized flounder had been caught over the past few weeks.
He rigged me up properly and pointed me in the right direction. The storm that came in to thwart my efforts provided a ripping tide down the beach, pelting me with rain, and ran me off in about 20 minutes. Switching to the jetty and getting similarly blasted did not improve my odds, but as I sat there drenched, drinking my irished up coffee, I took a breath and appreciated the taste of the seawater hitting me in the face. This is the nature of uncomfortable bliss.
The week of filming and fishing, foraging and cooking; punctuated by early mornings and little success on the fishing side of things, has left us all pleasantly worn out.
There have been some little Sea Trout caught (and released), and fifteen or so mini mackerel were bagged on the V Boat. Brian also did some diving with a local lobster guy to bring home the shellfish. Jesper, in his continuing hospitality, pulled a beautiful salmon out of his freezer to supplement our catch. These efforts, in addition to some crawling around in the pine shatters for mushrooms, has pulled together a good store of food for the final cookout.


Closing the trip out at the beach bunker, Brian, Jimmy, and I have cooked up a helluva feast with the week’s haul. Brian crushing it on a Monolith Grill and open fire. I‘ve smoked mackerel, and steamed smoked these little “lobsters” or big crawfish along with a bunch of foraged mushrooms. Jimmy plated out dishes that would be welcomed in a Michelin star restaurant. These waters have sustained the coastal population for centuries, and with continued management of the fisheries, will continue to do so for generations to come. The slim catch is not surprising for the season. Fish keep their own schedule. I bought a fishing license that is good for a year, and when I need to get away during these tumultuous corona times, I will be back with a vengeance and better waders, to bother Jesper and the fish swimming in his domain.
About Jesper Drink of choice: Gin and Tonic Fish: Everything that bites, with a focus on Sea Trout. “I go for catching a fish, not to teach the worms to swim, swing flies around, or to hang lures and spinners in the trees for Christmas – I go for action. Biggest sea trout I‘ve landed in Sæby is 88 cm and 11,2 kg.” Favorite fly: Whatever is stuck in his face on the left.


To keep Jesper from getting asked the same damn questions repeatedly here are some footnotes to guide you.
License: In Denmark you can purchase a fishing license online or in angler’s shops. 15 minutes and, while I can’t remember the exchange rate, cheap.
Access: Easy drive in from Hamburg. Equally accessible from Copenhagen or by ferries from the north.
Seasons and Fish River: High season- January 16th til November 15th Smaller „silver fish“ 40-55 cm til May when the big fish turn up.
Steelheads and Salmon are caught every year as well.
Brown trout are consistent in the upper Sæby River.
Coastal Fishing: Year around but slows down in the colder months.
Seatrout: Mid March till October Flatfish: (depending on sea temperatures) April till December.
Garfish: from May till September Mackerel: from May till September Cod: all year but almost only in the harbor of Frederikshavn Herring: spring and autumn in the harbor of Frederikshavn Petermann (Weevers): Lots of these in June and August, the biggest measured at this point is 48 cm. Watch the damn spines.


The “I forgot everything but beer” Recipe You planned to cook, but getting that disaster zone of a tackle box in order distracted you from bringing any oil or other cooking “essentials.” You did manage to bring a pot (or some aluminum foil). If you have a campstove, great; If you don’t, build a fire you sissy.
1) Pour a can of beer in the pot.
2) Put in some seaweed (or not).
3) Splash of seawater for salt if you are skipping the seaweed.
4) Gut the fish and yank the gills out (gills make everything taste like a tin can).
Don’t bother scaling it.
5) Put the fish in the pot or foil, cover and place over fire.
6) Wait 10 minutes before checking, When you can pull the dorsal fin and it pops off clean, the fish is ready to eat. If you happen to use lime or lemon to cover the taste of the shitty beer you are drinking. Squeeze some on top and serve.
7) Eat it with your fingers like the heathen you are.
Wild Scandinavian Way auf YouTube www.visitdenmark.de This way to Skagen


FISHING PARADISE DENMARK Denmark is a true paradise for fishermen with the North and Baltic Sea but also with beautiful rivers and fjords. In Denmark you have the opportunity to catch a variety of fish – from great sea trout to strong pike and beginner friendly herring.
More Infos: www.visitdenmark.de/angeln


8,5% According to a representative survey by a medical journal, only 8.5% of all Germans questioned eat fish on Christmas Eve. According to the survey, around 6.5% eat carp on Christmas Eve, and around 2% enjoy other fish dishes such as trout, salmon or seafood. This is surprising, because on the one hand more and more Germans are trying to eat significantly less meat, and on the other hand fish has a long tradition on Christmas Eve. The Christmas carp in particular stands for a centuries-old customs. The tradition originated when, according to Christian doctrine, Advent was celebrated as Lent. Christmas Eve, the closing day of Advent and the eve of Christmas Day, was to be celebrated in a special way and a Lent dish was to be prepared to suit the occasion.
During the Middle Ages, carp (as well as pike, by the way) was religiously emphasised and was therefore often eaten at Christmas. People imagined the head of the fish to contain the torture instruments with which Christ got martyred. In addition, the bones of the head were supposed to form the shape of a bird, which reminded of the Holy Spirit and were supposed to protect against witches. Another belief was that there was a moon-shaped stone above the eyes of the carp and that it promised luck to its finder.
Personally, I am not a friend of Cyprinus carpio, the Latin name of the fish, but maybe I just haven‘t eaten it properly prepared. Anyway, for the time being I find it tastes best, if you exchange it for a juicy steak before eating. (Stefan Alt)
Foto: Gabriel Tovar


SCALE PRESENTS TIE HARD – POWERED BY AHREX The Croatian photographer and videographer Robert Pljuscec is one of our most loyal authors and a GRIZZLY CANDY VON MORTEN HAGGE HANSEN
true SCALE boy from the very beginning. In our issue #37 (https://scale-magazine.com/current/Scale37/ Fliegenbau stattRobert Fliegenbinden heißt diesmal bei Tie ... Durch Verwenindex.html#/18) introduced us toesthe incredible fishHard abundance of die the ausschließliche Yemeni Socotra Peninsula dung von UV-Harz zum Sichern der Materialien anstelle von Fadenwicklungen, ihrend eine and his extraordinary adventurous experience of the Corona-conditioned lockdown aterhaltet the other of superstarke Fliege und vermeidet die Umstände mit dem whip-finisher.
civilization. Now Robert has finished his film, which was made during his stay in Yemen together with the tour operator Wild Sea Expedition, and we are thrilled with it! Brilliantly narrated, musically accompanied Einefinally sehr interspersed einfache Fischimitation eines Sandaals – ein the echter Fischmagnet für das Küstenfischen and with a visually stunning landscape, story of the lockdown between beaches, nach z.B.
oder Wolfsbarsch.
Einfach (Frank und doch effektiv.
goats and Meerforelle GT‘s is a visual journey without equal.
Steinmann) Happy tying and tight lines! (fst)


Seals of approval Recent years have seen the introduction of various quality standards as a basis for the certification of fisheries and aquaculture. For wild caught fish, the most common certifications today are Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Friend of the Sea (FOTS). For aquacultures, GLOBALG.A.P. was added as a certification in 2009. The Dolphin Safe seal contains special guidelines for tuna fishing.
Hot In prinicipal this is a good thing, not only with regard to fish. Too many times in the past have we had to throw up our hands in horror when learning about the despicable conditions under which animals were kept or caught. One thing is clear: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Intensive livestock farming, such as aquaculture, is unavoidable as long as hungry mouths all over the world want to eat fish. The question remains what it will look like in the future. There is a definite need for improvement in the way sea fish are caught by large fleets with mile-wide trawls, making the seabed behind them look like a military training area. Tonnes of unwanted and disposed off bycatch are another of the many problems. In the much-discussed aquaculture sector, for example, the quality seal is only awarded to companies producing sustainably and meeting the following criteria: • Use of vegetable feed from organic farming • No use of fishmeal or fish oil from unsustainable fishing • No stocking with wild caught juvenile fish • No negative environmental impacts on local wildlife populations and habitats (e.g. through nutrient input) • Low stocking density to minimise outbreaks of disease • No use of genetically modified fish species or feed These certifications are therefore justified, because they benefit not only us humans, but also and above all living beings and the environment, and give us a clearer conscience.
Not In practice, however, things do not look quite so good with quality seals. According to experts, there is currently no certificate for sustainable fish products that can be recommended without reservation.
Even if the existing awards are a step in the right direction, they cannot guarantee that all certified products come from truly sustainable fisheries or aquacultures.
There is still no clear and unambiguous wording of certification standards. Moreover, nobody really knows how the certification procedure works, because all audit documents and reports are withheld from the public or external observers. Even today, complete traceability is not always guaranteed, and there is also a need for improvement in the labelling of products with their scientific name, fishing grounds and fishing method. We have already addressed this problem in several issues of SCALE and have repeatedly reported on deficits in the award of fisheries-relevant quality seals (for example, the MSC certificate in connection with www.sharkproject.org).
There are still noticeable problems or inconsistencies with certification. These seals are repeatedly criticised and are not a 100% guarantee for a sustainable lunch. But as I said: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (Stefan Alt)


Hot off the pre SCA LE REA DS ALO NG
Getting kids and adolescents into the Outdoors is getting increasingly harder. The temptations for a sedentary lifestyle from gaming consoles and computer screens of all sizes. Throw attempts by PETA into the mix to get into these kids heads, by telling them their angling dad is a murderer and your parental attempts at exciting them for all things nature becomes a task of epic proportions.
The American flyfishing illustrator Kirk Werner must have thought along that lines, when he saw his daughter grow up. One day he asked himself: how will I manage to excite my daughter for rivers and streams and its inhabitants and for artificial flies and insects. On a whim he started work on a three part children’s book about Olive the little Woolly Bugger.
Olive is a shy creature, that’s being sent to summer camp to prepare for her adventures as an artificial fly. There she’s meant to learn everything there is to know about flies, tackle and rigs, casting, insects and environmental protection. As you do in summer camp, she meets a colourful group of characters: arrogant dry flies, shy soft-hackle flies, approachable nymphs. A journey into self-discovery begins for Olive when passing the camp’s gate.
Upon entry Olive realises for the first time the diversity of flies. First attempts to mingle with the dry flies ends in disaster. At once they let Olive know, that she’s not one of them. Feeling excluded and insecure she starts befriending the seemingly equally unkempt Gilbert the Gold-Ribbed Hare’s Ear and the equally as shy Polly the Partridge & Orange.
Despite all the teasing by the dry flies because of her strange name and unusual look, Olive dreams of nothing else than of catching trout by gently drifting on the surface of a river. The first day at the casting pool ends in roaring laughter by the dry flies. Olive flies through the air ungracefully and lands with a big splash on the water.
Embarrassed she starts sinking to the ground instead of drifting on the surface as she had hoped.
Only the battle-hardened teacher Mr. Muddler Minnow succeeds in bringing the mobbing of her to an end. He encourages Olive to concentrate on her own strengths and to further develop them.
From now on she focuses on her destiny: diving and zipping and darting through the water, instead of swimming on top. In the end Olive crowns her endurance and perseverance with an acceptance to the fly-box for the up-coming trout season. A success her adversary Randall the Royal Coachman can only further dream of… Olive the litte Woolly Bugger is a captivating book for kids aged 6-12.
Touchingly it teaches kids the importance of believing in one’s dreams. The perseverance with which Olive works for the goal to be accepted into the fly box, does not only mirror the endurance it needs to learn fly fishing. It further reflects on the perseverance needed in all of life’s challenges – school, apprenticeships, study, jobs and relationships – to succeed.
Olive’s suffering from being excluded, represent experiences quite a few kids have to bear with at school or elsewhere. The lessons she learns though in summer camp ’Tight Loops’ – acceptance of being different, awareness of one’s own strengths, looking for friendships outside of in-groups – are wisdoms which cannot be taught to kids early enough.
That children learn the fundamentals of fly fishing along the way – tackle, rigging, flies and insects and on top the respect for nature and its inhabitants – makes the series around Olive a book for young readers, which one happily gives kids and the young-at-hearts.
The first book of the series is being published in German under the title ‘Ein Woolly Bugger namens Olivia’ on the 5th of December 2020 by Forelle & Äsche Verlag. Available from www.fundae.de (ISBN: 978-3-9818566-3-7; Price: 14,90€)


Ivan Oroz is a designer and illustrator from Croatia. SCALE readers probably first came into contact with his work in our issue 03/2019, whose cover was decorated with a composition by Ivan. He describes himself as an open, cheerful person with a rich imagination and an abundance of positive energy. Such personal qualities usually bring with them many interests and hobbies that need to be satisfied and lived out.
„One of these hobbies occupies a special place in my heart“, fishing, Ivan describes. „It is not just a hobby. It is much more. Fishing is an INSPIRATION for me. My love for fishing has been quite obvious since my earliest childhood. I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a small town called Fojnica, not far from Sarajevo. There I used to go as a little boy looking for fish along the river that flows through the city. I spent every available minute watching them swim and trying to hide. Because of the war we fled to Germany where we lived until I was eight years old, and then my family and I moved to Croatia. I was always fascinated by water, nature and fishing. So it was not surprising that I started fly fishing when I was 17 years old, and even before that I refined my skills by hunting carp. It was not fly fishing, but rather an attempt, since I had no opportunity to learn it from anyone else.
But I did not give up.
My sheer will and creativity, which I mentioned earlier, drove me to find ways to learn by reading various books that were available and by doing research online. Of course, after all this theoretical knowledge, it was time to put it into practice and start fly fishing in nature.“ In the meantime Ivan has arrived in a life where he can combine work and fishing. „Planning, designing and illustrating fish makes me as happy as if I was right on the water. I try to show all the enchantment I feel in nature as convincingly as possible in my designs.


It is really true that everything is easier when it is done with love and when you love what you do. And I enjoy it and „push“ the end result to the strong inspiration I get during each of my fishing adventures.“ And you can clearly see this in Ivan‘s work.
His works go viral in the social media and he reaches a broad customer base from the fishing and outdoor industries to luxury goods, sports and leisure articles. Ivan creates logos, labels and designs that are set somewhere between cartoon, graffiti and a large portion of zeitgeist in lively, dynamic graphics.
„I am happy to say that my job is my life and that life is fishing. My love of fishing has led to many collaborations with various celebrities of the fly fishing scene“. Ivan Oroz cleverly remarks that unfortunately he is not yet allowed to present some of the designs that have been created in this context. But until then we have collected some of Ivan‘s work for you, which are representative of his creative spirit. Have fun looking at them and be amazed. (Frank Steinmann)


This year, the guys around Michal Vavro, the„CatchMe-crew“ set out into the depths of the Bolivian jungFliegenbau statt Fliegenbinden es diesmal Hard ... Durchpeople die ausschließliche le. Their target was the legendaryheißt „golden dorado“ bei or asTie the indigenous call it, „the riverVerwenjaguar“.
dung von UV-Harz zum Sichern der Materialien anstelle von Fadenwicklungen, erhaltet ihr eine superstarke Fliege und vermeidet die Umstände mit dem whip-finisher.
Witness their efforts in lush jungles, with Bolivian marching-powder, the scaling of a 6000 m peak and Eine sehrthe einfache Fischimitation einesgolden Sandaals – eininechter das Küstenfischen of course catching of the spectacular dorado exotic Fischmagnet ambience. für (Frank Steinmann) nach z.B. Meerforelle oder Wolfsbarsch. Einfach und doch effektiv.
Happy tying and tight lines! (fst)


Hardbodies & Softcores Lures you wouldN’t want to miss in your tackle box


Length: 39 cm Weight: 660 g Action: S-curve, trolling lure Target species: final boss size of a pike and other large predatory fish Editor‘s note One of the highest quality and most powerful artificial baits on the market. Also an ornament for your home!


Length: 23 cm Weight: 30 g Action: Strongly flanking and strong shovel tail Target species: pike, catfish, zander and other large predatory fish Editor‘s note: Imaginative softbait, unique design, custom colors on request


FLUFFYBAITS Length: Weight: Action: Target fish: Editor‘s note:
20 cm (without tail) Wet approx. 40 g Lively and wiggly with strongly pulsating fur pike, huchen, taimen, catfish and other large predatory fish Funny rodent copy that makes for spectacular attacks, even for fish that have seen all the bait out there


GN-LURES Length: Weight: Action: Target fish: Editor‘s note:
THE GN-TAIL SPINNER 7 cm without spinner blade 47 g Lively tail spinner, wagging and wobbling perch, pike, zander, black bass and co Lovingly designed and due to the relatively high weight ideal if you want to reach depth quickly


PLM-UISTIN Length: Weight: Action: Target fish: Editor‘s note:
15 cm 124 g Side to side, jerkbait, slow sink pike, pike and again pike Creative design meets phenomenal quality and perfect running


TOMY´S BAIT Length: Weight: Action: Target fish: Editor‘s note:
13 cm 9g Depending on use as jig bait, drop shot or rigged zander, perch, pike, asp and other predatory fish Tomy‘s bait is one of the most realistic imitations on the market


Now, that‘s what we call innovation! With its Convertible Rod Carrier System, the US company TRXSTLE finally provides a solution to a problem that all fly fishermen will be familiar with: the transport of rods during a quick spot hop when fishing. There are some gadgets by other manufacturers that allow you to transport your rods over short distances from A to B by car, without having to untackle. Some of them work better, some worse – but there is one thing they almost all have in common: they are often prohibited in many countries for a lack of safety. Their use can result in hefty fines if you get caught. Of course, there are one or two solutions for suspending rods on the inside of a car roof. But those who do not use an RV for their fishing know the problem of rod tips rattling on the windscreen of their car all too well. Protection for highly sensitive rod tips? Forget it...
Safety and protection is key in many respects with the „road legal“ CRC system from TRXSTLE. On the one hand, the well-padded system can be locked with a key. On the other, the whole system can be mounted almost bombproof on the car roof like a rack – which it is in principle – so that it can even be used on long-distance journeys. Because the system is also transportable thanks to its shoulder straps, it is also suitable as a safe transport case for rods on flights. We can’t think of a better way to protect your rods.
In detail: The TRXSTLE CRC is a storage system for two fully assembled fly rods (max. length 10ft, reel diameter approx. 10.5cm), designed to protect rod rings during storage or when pulling out your rods according to the reel-up principle: Everything points upwards. Thanks to its telescopic function, the CRC can be fixed at four different lengths, so that, for example, two-piece rods with reels on can also be stored. Installation on the car roof is extremely easy thanks to rubberised quick release clamps that ensure a non-slip and scratch-free grip on the vehicle. The fact that the entire case is made of extra-hard anodised aluminium to make it robust and safely protect rods even when the telescopic container falls to the ground, takes its toll: At 7.3 kg the TRXSTLE CRC system is not exactly a lightweight.
Photos: Frank Steinmann


PROMOTION By the way, thanks to Jan-Pieter Aben from Finest Flyfishing in Bedburg-Hau we were able to road test the TRXSTLE CRC. At the time of the release of this SCALE issue, he is the only German dealer selling the system. Because Jan is particularly fond of our SCALE readers, he is also handing out a goodie to them: Anyone ordering the Trxstle Convertible Rod Carrier from his store, mentioning the promotion code will receive the TRXSTLE River Locker worth 49,00 € for free. That item is also available from the Finest Flyfishing Shop.
Safe, brothers and sisters! (Stefan Alt)
www.finestflyfishing.de www.trxstle.com
Photos: Frank Steinmann
But that much safety has got to come from somewhere. And in the end, you get a lot of material for your money. All in all the system gets full marks from us in terms of fly rod transport and we are looking forward to the time when we can plan proper fishing trips again – with a system.


DAIWA LUVIAS LT 3000 D-C With the new Luvias LT, DAIWA presents a modified version of this premium segment front drag reel. Further improved in its function and even more resilient, the model manufactured in Japan convinces with an extremely smooth, noiseless and silky smooth running. The monocoque body made of Zaion – a special high-density carbon fibre material designed to withstand the toughest conditions while remaining extremely light – combined with the LT concept is a real milestone in reel construction. By combining these technologies the new 20‘ Luvias represents the lightest (only 180 gr / 6.3 oz) and strongest Luvias series in DAIWA’s history. The Luvias LT is a real flyweight and besides the Exist and the Certate it is the only Daiwa LT reel, which is constructed according to the monocoque body design. In contrast to a traditional reel construction that consists of two halves bolted together, the body here does not require the use of a body cover. It replaces that with a screw-on engine plate onto which the gearbox is then fitted. This construction is not only stronger, but also offers more space inside the body due to the absence of screws. This allows for a larger gear drive to be used, which takes up approx. 85% of the reel’s body surface.
With the proven MagSealed design and the development of a new type of asymmetrical, non-bolted rear cover, the ingress of salt water and dirt particles into the reel housing via the main axle is virtually eliminated. In addition, the casting distance and line management has been optimised with a new design of the spool edge – ideal for strong winds and extreme fishing conditions. The starting resistance of the Luvias is reduced to an absolute minimum and is hardly noticeable. As usual from DAIWA reels the winding power could not be better, the brake starts immediately and is very fine adjustable. These are all features which are especially important for us coastal anglers in the north and so our test model, the Luvias LT 3000 D-C (5,2:1 gear ratio, 77 cm line recovery), was also tested during sea trout fishing under partly heavy conditions – which this reel of the high-end league mastered with flying colours and proved to be absolutely reliable when playing fish.
The 2020 Luvias LT is available in 7 versions (1000 – 4000) and is priced slightly under the Certate LT, but well above the Ballistic LT. (Hauke Barz)


PETROMAX COOLER BOX KX25 Whether in the mountains, the forests and the fields or by the water – the trend to spend several days in nature continues unabated. What, with the exception of a few outdoor and camping enthusiasts, a large group of the rather younger population has discovered literally only in the last couple of years, has been practised by us anglers as long as there have been rods and reels. Many of the needs that a longer trip leaving behind civilisation brings along has been known to us for a long time. One of the biggest problems in the past was the cooling of fish caught; or on longer fishing trips out in the wilderness with the tent, the storage of food and drinks at the right temperature.
Of course there have always been cooler boxes, but their development seemed to have stopped at some point in the 90s. Cooling over several days? No chance. When, three or four years ago, an American manufacturer came up with the so-called passive cooling systems of the next generation, the refinement was greeted with enthusiasm by anglers and outdoor enthusiasts alike. The only drawback was the somewhat cost-intensive, cumbersome direct order from the USA. There was virtually no chance of getting hold of the boxes with the previously unattained cooling duration over here. Overseas export did not seem to play a role in the manufacturer‘s distribution structure, and the boxes are currently not to be found in Europe, at least not in specialist fishing shops.
The solution is finally Made in Germany – nicer, lighter, cooler!
The unrivalled ultra-passive cooling system boxes of the traditional company Petromax, have been available for some time now and can also be obtained without any problems. The chic, thick-walled boxes are already available in several outdoor shops and we are sure that they will soon be available in more and more specialist fishing shops. Online shipping via Petromax‘s own shop is no problem anyway and it is also clear that annoying customs fees and long waiting times like with imports from overseas are eliminated. We have ordered the Petromax cooler kx25 in the colour sand to have a closer look at it and we can promise one thing already: It ain’t get any cooler!


The functionally build very attractively designed Petromax coolers, have all sorts of features that are not necessarily noticeable at first glance: Recesses in the lid for lashing crosswise, ergonomically designed carrying handles that can also be used as strap guides, rubber fasteners that can be operated with one hand and are safe to use even with wet hands, rubber feet for a safe grip on slippery surfaces e.g. in a boat, that further ensure better circulation beneath the box, and, and, and. We particularly like the seat cushion, which can be ordered as an add-on, because active fishing usually means being on your feet for a long time. Or when you’ve been on the road for several days on a camping trip, you will be glad on occassion to have such a comfortable seat.
Photos: Frank Steinmann
All Petromax boxes use ice, dry ice or classic cool packs as a source of cooling and the result leaves no-one cold – except the inside of the box. Depending on the outside temperature, the double-walled and cavity insulated ultra-passive cooling system keeps goods fresh for up to an incredible 12 days without an additional energy source. However, „fresh“ is an understatement when you look at the results of our test with the fish on ice after 7 days at an average outside temperature of 10°C during the day and 4°C at night (Fig. 3).
The fact that the kx25 – the number refers to the volume in litres – can hold a whopping 24 x 0.33l cans or 12 x 1l bottles standing upright, despite an insulating layer of 45 mm, also borders on a miracle.
. One of our sea bass caught at the North Sea is stored on ice as a test in the Petromax kx25. Fish and ice look perfect even after 2 days.
2. We gutted the fish on day 3 and it should be prepared on day 5. Optics and smell are the same as on the first day.
3. After fishing we have collected almost 3 kilos of mussels. The kx25 hanging basket, which we lined with a bag, is perfect for storage. Even after 3 days pure freshness.
4. The ice on day 6. If we hadn‘t stored fish and mussels, among other things, we could have mixed some delicious long drinks with it on day 7.
The Petromax coolers are currently available in 25l and 50l versions in the colours alpine white, sand and olive. Only the 75l version is exclusively available in white. The boxes can be upgraded according to your own desires by adding, for example, the above-mentioned seat cushion, spare basket inserts, a mountable bottle opener or a lock holder. We wouldn‘t want to miss the Petromax kx25 any more and hope to be able to use it next year on our longer trips.
(Stefan Alt)


SAGE PIKE FLY ROD Fly fishing for pike has become one of the most popular disciplines when it comes to pursuing predators with a streamer. More and more spinfishermen have also started to trade the rubber fish and jerkbait for a big pike streamer. No wonder, because no artificial bait can hold a candle to the presentation of a large and fluffy and best of all a self tied baitfish pattern, or a pulsating bucktail-hollowfly. Attacking poppers and fishing on sight with floating pike flies – incomparable and even the fight of small and medium-sized pike on the fly line is a special experience!
Especially beginners in this fishing method are often overwhelmed when they ask for advice in forums or the social media about how to put together the necessary equipment and a variety of different answers come up. The required rod class and the suitable model are questioned, which type of line makes sense and finally the pricing also plays a decisive role, when choosing a suitable rod together with the necessary accessories.
In 2020, Sage introduced the new model „Pike“ to the market, for the beginner, but also for the experienced fly fisherman who wants to pursue the pike with a balanced and high-quality rod.
This rod, which is located in the mid-price segment, fulfils all the characteristics of a pike rod that can be described as unreservedly recommendable. With a length of 9 feet (275 cm) and line class 9 it is virtually predestined for pike fishing in still and flowing waters. You often hear from anglers that they use class 8 rods or even less for pike fishing, I can only confirm this to a limited extent, personally I even reject it. On the one hand the use of extremely large streamers is sometimes the way to success, this is of course also due to the course of the year and the feeding behavior of the fish, so a certain rod strength is essential for casting the big flies. Another argument for me is the fact that I want to keep the fight with the pike as short as possible to save the animal unnecessary physiological stress. If you have ever hooked a big pike on the edge of a current, you know what kind of power these animals can develop. Here you have to stand up to them and not play around with too light equipment at the expense of the animal!
The blank of the Sage Pike has been developed from the company‘s own Graphite IIIe technology and is characterized by a sensitive yet powerful tip, which perfectly absorbs the head shaking and any jumps of the fish. The lower part of the blank is strong and helps the fly fisherman to exert pressure and pull the caught pike closer. With its elegant black color and the dark windings the blank also looks noble.


In practical tests the Sage Pike convinced me completely! In this price range it is an excellent pike fly rod, which with its fast action and yet sensitive tip embodies everything I imagine a modern fly rod to be. I have fished for extensive testing with a Rio Pike/Musky line in class 9 of the intermediate type as well as the corresponding sink line. No matter if I cast small baitfish imitations on 2/0 to 4/0 hooks or if I used huge, feathery bucktail bufords, game changers or even Popovic‘s Beast Fleyes – the Sage Pike transported all streamers without grumbling. Using double hauls I had full line control and never felt the rod was overloaded or overburdened. Raging pike I was able to land immediately and safely without having made the drills exorbitantly long. So if you are looking for a pike rod that is really adapted to this predator and the necessary accessories, the Sage Pike is the right choice! The rod is fun to use, has a high quality finish and offers a fantastic price-performance ratio.
The Sage Pike fly rod is available for 499 € at Rudi Heger. This dealer also offers you the Sage Pike as a complete and inexpensive outfit including reel and line. Have fun fishing for pike, the season is still in full swing, so get out there! (Frank Steinmann)
Photos: Frank Steinmann
All guides are hard chrome plated and the 9 rod also has a Full Wells handle with Fighting Butt. The quality of the cork is good, no pressed granulate is used! The 4-piece rod comes in a ready to fish-cordura tube, so you can transport the Sage Pike complete with reel and line to be ready to use when you arrive at the water.


PATAGONIA RAINSHADOW JACKET & NANO PUFF PANTS It is no longer a secret that the textiles of Patagonia have become the secret uniform of the sustainable thinking and acting fly and spin fishermen.
Apart from the strict regulations regarding fair production and the use of recycled materials, it is also the environmental policy position of the US company that makes it so likeable and transparent.
The now post-autumn dirty weather with rain, sleet and low temperatures is the signal for us anglers and fishermen to arrange the layering of our clothing to suit these weather conditions. The extremely light rain jacket „Rainshadow Jacket“ is available in a ladies and a men‘s version.
Three-layered and absolutely waterproof and breathable, this jacket impresses with its sophisticated fit, adjustable cuffs, a perfectly adjustable and rolled up stowable hood that can be adjusted to any head shape and does not restrict visibility even when moving, and an adjustable drawcord hem for wind- and waterproof use on the next adventure.
Patagonia‘s H2No technology allows rain to drip off elegantly, thanks to largely recycled materials and all zips and pockets are also waterproof. In addition, the lightweight Econyl shell material does not restrict freedom of movement and the jacket can be packed into a small, easily stowed package (397g) in the left breast pocket. If you want to wear the rain jacket over a warming jacket, such as the Nano Puff or similar, simply choose one size larger!
When it gets really crisp and cold and only huchen anglers and other freaks are out on the and especially in the water, the question of a warm leg section and also the insulation of the pelvic area and everything that is stored there arises. Pelvic inflammation is annoying and not a nice souvenir of a winter fishing trip. The Patagonia Nano Puff Pants represent the absolute non plus ultra for me in terms of comfort and warmth. I wear them myself on the couch when I want to be cuddly and would even


All insulating materials are made from recycled raw materials, produced with low emissions and are permanently water-repellent. For all those who want to be active outdoors in autumn and winter, an unrestricted recommendation in terms of heat balance – also when hiking and other activities. So if you are still undecided about what you want for Christmas or even what to give away, these two Patagonia seasonal products are certainly always the right choice! You can find more information about the two products on the manufacturer‘s website. (Frank Steinmann)
Photos: Frank Steinmann
bring my VHS tapes back to the video store wearing them, if these would still be available. The Nano Puff Pants are simply worn under waders or rain trousers and protect against cold and wet.
They are also ideal for winter fishing from a belly boat or even bank fishing! The pants are light and have a small pack size. They are reinforced at the back and have a non-slip character so that the trousers always fit well and do not slide when moving. Two pockets offer storage space and the buttoned waistband and fly allow you to quickly urinate when there is a squeeze.


Grilling, smoking, baking, searing, cooking – if anything has revolutionised the barbecue scene this year, it is the ceramic grills from Monolith.
As a hybrid of a classic kettle grill and a stone oven, these visually very pleasing outdoor cookers are particularly suitable for gentle cooking – which is of course extremely interesting for all those who like fish and seafood on their plates. The „fine“ grilling is remarkable, because the monoliths are powered by charcoal – which is known to be extremely hot. However, the heat is emitted almost indirectly by the monolith and thus gives the barbecued food its very own aroma and also prevents it from burning. Thanks to its thermometer, the innovative grill allows for very precise work. We have taken the portable model ICON with us on our travels and definitely wouldn‘t want to miss it anymore.
Even unpacking the grill was a joy, because visually and haptically it was immediately clear that ceramic grills Made In Germany are the result of robust craftsmanship. But what particularly convinced us was the multifunctionality of the ICON, as mentioned above. No matter whether we were grilling tender lamb, shellfish and fish, baking bread or cooking in a woks bowl – rarely have there been so many culinary possibilities all from one portable cooker. Thanks to its heat-resistant, steel outer casing, the monolith requires very little energy and reaches a finely adjustable operating temperature extremely quickly. An up to 50% reduction in charcoal consumption is a nice side effect. The ICON, a technical marvel measuring just over 50 x 53 cm, is the ideal travel companion on fishing trips thanks to its small size. The grill itself is sufficiently large. Although the massive grill is quite heavy, it can be carried to the barbecue area easily thanks to two sturdy handles. A wide range of accessories allows the Monolith ICON to be modified for a variety of applications. Among other things, we were enthusiastic about the ICON fire plate, on which we prepared our scrambled eggs the next morning using the heat from the previous evening.


Nobody can explain better than Monolith CEO Matthias Otto and German celebrity chef Tim Mälzer in this video what the grill is capable of and the unique concept behind it. Although the video is in German, it offers subtitles in the respective national language. In any case, we are looking forward to our next trip with the Monolith ICON and the fish grilled, smoked or cooked with it. By the way, what else we do with the Icon can be watched on the SCALE Instagram account – as soon as you can travel again. All models, accessories, recipes and much more can be found on the company‘s own website until then. (Stefan Alt)


DAIWA SALTIGA 2020 Saltwater fishing is probably one of the most demanding activities for the angler and his tackle. And I am not talking about the mackerel paternoster or the sea trout on the sbirolino! We think one category (or four) bigger and talk about the big and gigantic sea fish, whether in the Arctic Ocean or the South Pacific! A saltwater reel has to withstand enormous forces and also the aggressive sodium chloride that wants to eat into its mechanical entrails.
Daiwa‘s Saltiga is the ultimate final solution when it comes to chasing the sea fish. The in-house high-end model has been redesigned by Daiwa‘s engineers and launched in a sophisticated 2020 version. With sizes ranging from 8000 to 20000, all techniques of jigging and distance fishing with poppers and co. are covered. Some anglers have already experienced that the reel they use consists of too many individual parts, when the same reel blew up after a 120 pound GT grabbed the popper. The Saltiga doesn‘t have such a thing, its monocoque body made of strong aluminium is cast in one piece and offers enough space for the reworked and considerably enlarged gearbox. Larger gear teeth are supposed to resist the wear and tear caused by friction better and extend the life of the reel considerably.
The spool is sealed watertight and has been further improved in the 2020 version. The spool lip has also undergone a change and its new design helps to lay the line cleanly and helps to optimise the casting distance. Magsealed? Sure, when it comes to the essential ball bearings, they are well protected in Daiwa‘s high-end reel and thanks to this same Magsealed technology, they run silky smooth and are immune to dirt. The brake system has also been further developed and more brake discs have been fitted for greater braking power. According to Daiwa, the braking power of the Saltiga is thus increased tenfold and reaches values of 25 - 30 kg! For better heat dissipation the brake knob is made of aluminium, no plastic parts are used!
Photo: Frank Steinmann


The first voices, which have been using the Saltiga for several months, are enthusiastic about it and attribute fantastic durability and performance to the reel! This quality has its price - for sure - but it has to be put into perspective if you want to go on an expensive fishing trip which will give you the „fish of a lifetime“ on the hook, but which will be lost due to poor equipment. In this respect, I clearly plead for an investment in high quality tackle, in order to be properly prepared for the encounter with the ultimate saltwater fish. And by the way, Christmas is just around the corner, you can reinvest any money you get or just sell the 4K TV, because the real life is out there anyway. More information about Daiwa‘s completely reworked and improved Saltiga 2020 can be found on the manufacturer‘s website. (Frank Steinmann)
Photo: Frank Steinmann


TROUT OF NORTH AMERICA CALENDAR Admittedly, the year 2020 was not necessarily one that we would associate with positive, global as well as small-scale events. A little ray of hope when it comes to enjoying timekeeping, planning and appointments can be a beautifully designed wall calendar. And for 2021, we‘ll put „Everything will be better“ in bold in the same.
I myself am not a big fan of digital calendars! Influenced by my grandmother, who entered all her dates in the wall calendar, framed by all kinds of agrarian-economically inspired naive painting, it is clear to me: wall calendars are part of the planned existence. And within the kitchen. They must provide space for notes and also be an ornament for the living room. Thus, for the tenth year in a row, the „Trout of North America Calendar“ is hanging in the center of my lived family idyll.
This artwork is illustrated by Joseph R. Tomelleri, who traveled more than 135,000 miles through North America to draw endemic trout, char, salmon and grayling species by hand. His legendary illustrated book „Trout and Salmon of North America“ already has cult status and his drawings are among the most delicate and realistic depictions of nature I can name. On each of the 12 double pages a salmonid species is presented, its distribution, characteristics and biological short biography are explained, and finally the most common fly patterns are mentioned, which should facilitate a seasonal catch of the respective species. Tomellerie also introduces us to local forms and subspecies of trout, char and salmonids, of which we have usually never heard before. We Europeans consider the „rainbow trout“ to be a species of one fish, but how many local forms this Pacific salmon (and not a trout!), actually developed in its home country, is amazing! And when the year ends, I regularly pull out my scissors to cut out the little works of art and put them into picture frames – they are just too precious for the paper waste!
The calendar is currently available for about 10 Euro, which is actually a gift, at Amazon and about 15 Euro at other providers if you want to ignore Amazon. In addition, the calendar is also an ideal Christmas present for all those who still use analog planning and are into fish art. (Frank Steinmann)


BLACKBEARD UL777 AND BLACKBEARD 1000 As extraordinary as the design of this ultra light rod is, so is the story of its development. Behind the name Blackbeard lies a small family business that has designed and developed its rods and reels in Germany to finally make a selection of exceptional products available on the local market. All this secretly and quietly, but still on a high quality level and attractive design!
I have taken a closer look at the combo consisting of the short ultra light rod UL777 in combination with a 1000 sized reel. The most striking feature of the two-piece (grip part and continuous blank) and 168 cm long rod is certainly the wooden revolver grip. This is probably not the only thing that will convince you to take a closer look at this rod. I like this elegant grip shape, which is also very natural and sophisticated, very much! Due to the features and characteristics of both products, this combination is perfectly suited for ultra-light spin fishing for trout in small and smallest running waters. Due to the relatively short rod length you are able to make precise casts even in the wildest wilderness, surrounded by bushes, shrubs and trees. The short handle of the rod is especially suitable for backhand casts. The parabolically working tip and its flexible recoil behaviour will bring your artificial lures to a decent distance. With a little practice, accurate casts between alder and willow roots, under bushes or behind stones, just where the trout make their debut, are no problem. The indicated casting weight of 2-7 g corresponds to reality and therefore small spoons, microjigs and hardbaits can be presented perfectly. The sensitivity of the rod tip is impressive and allows a versatile and adapted lure guidance.
Photos: Frank Steinmann
I was also surprised by the reserve of power hidden in the lower third of the rod blank, even larger trout of 3-4 pounds I was able to quickly manouver them out of the current to spare the fish unnecessary long lasting strains. The synergy between the parabolically working rod tip and the forcing rest of the blank is impressive and I really enjoyed it! You never have the feeling of running the risk of losing a fish in the fight.


Photos: Frank Steinmann


In addition to this fine rod you will receive a matching reel, which is of the same size as a standardised „1000“. If you don‘t have a stationary reel of this type and want to do nails with heads, you can confidently purchase it in a set. Of course a noble reel from Japan also fits to the luxurious wooden handle of the rod!
Be that as it may, the Blackbeard reel is well worth its price, visually appealing in a completely black design, it has class and high-quality components. The reel is suitable for both fresh and salt water and due to the waterproof construction the internal mechanical parts are well protected. Lightweight construction, 7 + 1 stainless steel ball bearings, stainless steel shaft and a carbon brake system with up to 10 kg braking power complete the technical aspect of the reel. Its transmission ratio is 5.2:1 and the cord length is approximately 180 m with a diameter of approx. 0.20 mm. Depending on the terrain in which you are fishing, i.e. the obstacles in the water, I recommend a line with a load capacity of at least 4lbs, rather more if you want to prevent line breakage and loss of fish.
Barbless single hooks are a matter of honour for trout stalking. All in all, I would recommend the Blackbeard rod - or a combination of rod and reel – to any spin fisher who is lucky enough to fish a small stream or river with trout stock! Apart from its extraordinary appearance, the rod has a high potential of quality and well adapted characteristics for the clandestine fishing for our salmonids.
The rod and reel combination is available from AngelJoe for an unbeatable 229 Euro. If you want to buy the rod separately, please have a look at the manufacturer‘s homepage.
(Frank Steinmann)
www.angeljoe-angelshop.de www.blackbeard-fishing.com
Photos: Frank Steinmann
The simple black blank is also visually appealing. You can feel that high quality carbon material has been used here and the guides, consisting of Fuji Alconite, leave nothing to be desired in this category of value for money! The rod is delivered in a high-quality Cordura hardcase, which is one of the most durable I have ever held in my hands! It is extremely robust and inspires confidence, so I would use it as flight luggage.


MOCFOR GIN ADAM & GIN CREAM LIQUEUR Furniture designer and craftsman Jens Lohmann comes from the far north of Germany and is, as you’d expect, an enthusiastic angler. Several times I stood with him in the Baltic Sea in search of sea trout and got to know him as an extremely creative hunter. Always one step ahead of me, always with a plan how to fish beyond the norm, always with a new idea when designing his selfmade lures – a through and through inventive mind and doer. However, when he first told me on one of our fishing trips about his plan to produce and sell his own gin, I had to laugh and promised to introduce the gin in SCALE if it was ever available. Well, I’m eating humble pie and stick to my promise.
Jens has not only managed to come up with his own gin. The MOCFOR Gin also tastes extremely good.
So good in fact, that you can follow Jens’ recommendation to drink it straight. No fewer than nine exotic herbs together with fine Bengal curry provide an unusual but mild taste and unique colour, after weeks of storage in sherry oak barrels. Of course you can also drink this noble spirit with tonic water if you prefer.
Together with a mate Jens is also responsible for designing the indivual labels and the wooden nameplate is also handmade.
Since Jens is also a ladies man, he added a sweet gin cream liqueur with the fitting name EVE, to the corresponing gin by the name of ADAM. From my own experience, however, I can say that this stuff is absolutely addictive and should definitely not be reserved for the ladies. All those who love something special or are looking for an unusual gift for festive occasions can order the gin and the gin cream liqueur on the MOCFOR homepage. I wouldn‘t be surprised if visitors to the site also like some of Jens’ rustic furniture. I‘m looking forward to the next fishing trip with him and hope that he will bring one or two bottles along. (Stefan Alt)


PETROMAX LODEN OUTDOOR JACKET DEUBELSKERL Yet another thing from the likeable company from the beautiful city of Magdeburg. With the outdoor jacket Deubelskerl (North German dialect, means one hell of a guy) the innovative company from the East of Germany sets new standards in terms of functionality. This is not least due to a fabric that has long been forgotten, which currently celebrates a revival especially during the cold season: loden. Many people, including myself, associate the milled virgin sheep‘s wool at best with traditional costumes or the outfit of a forester, but it doesn’t do the material justice. On the contrary: there is a reason why, for example, the Sami tribe in extremely cold Lapland or people who work in colder regions still use loden. People have trusted the resistant wool since the 10th century. If you want to be sufficiently protected against adverse weather conditions you should give the Deubelskerl a try. Petromax has also thought of female outdoor enthusiasts and offers a suitable waisted version in the form of the Bergmaid model.
The proven natural fabric of the jacket is made of 100% milled sheep‘s wool – which is considered to be particularly sustainable and is completely free of synthetics. The fabric for the Petromax collection is produced in Germany according to a traditional process in several complex work steps. Non-flammable, cold, wind and water repellent, easy to care for, odourless and at the same time pleasantly light – at the moment I cannot think of any comparable material for the outdoor sector and during the first few days below minus this jacket has already proven itself. However, the Deubelskerl is not only functional but also looks extremely stylish. Nevertheless, I wear it under my waders jacket when fishing, for example, and put it in my pants and am glad that I don‘t get cold anymore even in icy water. The hard facts: hood adjustable in three positions, high collar, two chest and two large side pockets (one handed use, with mesh lining), velcro sleeve cuffs, adjustable jacket waistband with elastic band, twoway zip, embroidered dragon logo on chest and shoulder. The entire Petromax loden range can now be found in many specialist shops. However, if you want to be on the safe side, it is best to look directly at the Petromax Webshop, because there you can find, for example, the Deubelskerl in an incredible 9 sizes. Whether fishing, walking along the river Elbe or gardening in winter – the Petromax Deubelskerl is currently my first choice. (Stefan Alt)


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PACKRAFTING FROM NORWAY TO SWEDISH LAPLAND In our photo story this time Clemens Ratschan takes us to the far north of Europe. Clemens is a guarantor for fantastic impressions that reflect unique experiences of nature. Actually, the fish ecologist from Austria had planned another expedition to the most remote areas of Mongolia, but just as we all had to put up with the effects of the COVID pandemic, Clemens has also rescheduled his planned tour and set off for Scandinavia.
The overcoming of mountains is written into the genome of the citizens of the Alpine countires. A proper fishing tour should therefore also include such a climbing tour. At least Clemens thinks so and inflates his pack raft like travel partner Jakob. Their three-week route leads the two first paddling through a Fjord rich in fish near Narvik. At the end of the Fjord, after a steep, slippery ascent due to constant rain, they head up into the barren Fjord. On the Swedish side, crystal clear char lakes await the two adventurers.
After alternately marching and crossing more than 20 lakes and torrents, they finally reach the Kaitum water system, which is well known in fishing circles.
This system consists of three large lakes, followed by
alternating heavy white water and slow paddling sections. Here, besides the greedy Nordic grayling, beautiful brown and lake trout round off the abundant fish catches. The Corona crisis doesn‘t have to be an obstacle, even in good old Europe you can obviously still find a few remote corners with wonderful fishing in seemingly untouched wilderness.
Enjoy Clemens‘ fantastic photographs, which will certainly pack the longing and wanderlust in you, just as we from the editorial staff felt. Have fun in northern Scandinavia, the secret roof of our European continent. (Frank Steinmann)


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